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Writing Strong Conclusions

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1 Writing Strong Conclusions
Writer’s Section

2 Why Do You Need a Strong Conclusion?
Your conclusion is not just a summary of what you’ve already written. True, it’s a bit of summary, but it should also end your essay with a bang!

3 Every conclusion MUST have:
1. A restatement of your thesis statement- the same content, but paraphrased into new words 2. A brief summary of your main points from your body paragraphs 3. A strong concluding statement. Your reader should know why your topic matters.

4 Rephrasing a Thesis If your thesis statement is, “Wrapping gifts is important because it builds anticipation in the recipient, it makes the gift look nice, and it shows the person you really care.” Your essay conclusion shouldn’t just say the exact same thing over again. Instead, try using more vivid language.

5 Thesis restated “One of the most important aspects of gift-giving is the element of surprise, and a great way build up the surprise is to take care in wrapping your gift. Using bright colors and decorations such as ribbons and bows can make quite an impression. Your dedication to detail will let your loved one know you cared to take the time.”

6 The conclusion is not the time to make any new points
The conclusion is not the time to make any new points. Your points should be made in the body of your essay

7 Example: Causes of the Civil War
The importance of each cause of the American Civil War can be debated, but what is fact is that there were several factors that led the South to secede. Slavery, states’ rights, and the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency–even though no state in the South voted for him–all contributed to the war. Even though it has been nearly 150 years since the Civil War ended, some of the leftover divide between North and South can still be seen.

8 Example: Facebook’s influence on America’s youth
Though social media allows young users to connect with people across the world and get instantaneous news about the world around them, it also has come with many complications. From access to inaccurate information to the rise of cyberbullying, the bad can sometimes outweigh the good among younger users. With 73% of young Americans ages years old using Facebook, it may be time to come up with better rules for promoting responsible use.

9 Example: How to write a conclusion
Essay conclusions are pretty simple once you know the framework. It all boils down to three main parts: a transition from the last body paragraph, a summary of the thesis statement and main points of the essay, and a closing statement that wraps everything up. If all students knew this simple formula, maybe essay writing would be easier for everyone.

10 Example: The Causes of Homelessness
Passing by a homeless person is not uncommon especially in urban settings. Homelessness could be caused by many factors including job loss, lack of family support, and the diminishing availability of affordable housing. Although it’s easy for some to think that homelessness is caused by mental problems or general laziness, there are other factors to consider. Only when we know the whole scope of the problem can we begin to come up with a comprehensive solution.

11 Example: What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is common sense. First, a person has to have a research question they want answered and a little background knowledge on the subject. Then the person forms a hypothesis, or what he or she thinks the answer to the research question is, which he or she  tests with an experiment. Finally, the person should analyze the data and draw a conclusion. This method can be used both in and out of the scientific realm, testing everything from history to social issues.

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