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Loading and Unloading Students

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1 Loading and Unloading Students
School Bus Drivers Inservice

2 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Introduction Most accidents occur in loading and unloading zones School bus drivers play a very important role The ride to and from school is an opportunity to teach Education, alertness and awareness are the keys School Bus Drivers Inservice

3 Presentation Overview
A review of loading and unloading procedures A review of the four light system A review of the eight light system A review of off road loading and unloading procedures Education, Alertness and Awareness School Bus Drivers Inservice

4 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Four Light System Check traffic ahead and to the rear of the bus Begin to brake gradually Stay in traffic lane to provide protection for students Activate stop paddle Set brake, place bus in park or neutral and maintain light pressure on the brake Never use the door switch to activate reds School Bus Drivers Inservice

5 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
At the Bus Stop Train students to wait until you signal it’s safe to cross Count students as they exit the bus Count students before leaving the stop Stay aware of back packs and clothing that could become entangled when exiting the bus School Bus Drivers Inservice

6 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Eight Light System Check traffic ahead and to the rear of the bus Activate the amber flashing warning lamps Begin to brake gradually Stay in traffic lane Apply brakes and stop 6 to 8 feet short of students Activate stop paddle Set brake, place in park or neutral School Bus Drivers Inservice

7 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
At the Bus Stop Train students to wait until you signal it’s safe to cross Count students as they exit the bus Stay aware of back packs and clothing that could become entangled when exiting the bus Count students before leaving the stop Check for late students before leaving stop School Bus Drivers Inservice

8 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Hazard Warning Lights Only if students don’t cross and completely off the roadway Check traffic ahead and to the rear Begin to brake gradually and activate right turn signal Pull off the roadway Set parking brake and place in park or neutral Deactivate right turn signal and activate hazard lights School Bus Drivers Inservice

9 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Hazard Warning Lights Check mirrors Open doors to load or unload students Shut doors, turn off hazard warning lights Activate left turn signal Release brake Students never cross in this situation School Bus Drivers Inservice

10 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Keeping Students Safe Count Eye Contact Driver Signal Student Behavior Emergency Vehicles approaching stop Seating arrangements School Bus Drivers Inservice

11 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Three Important Rules Before leaving the stop: Check your mirrors and door School Bus Drivers Inservice

12 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
The Six Danger Zones The front of your school bus The right side of the school bus The rear of the school bus The left side of the school bus The forward blind area on the left side The right side loading area School Bus Drivers Inservice

13 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Stop Paddle Violators Prepare in advance Prioritize information needed Safety First, information second Enlist the help of local law enforcement School Bus Drivers Inservice

14 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Summary Most school bus related injuries occur in the loading and unloading area Approach the stop carefully Load and unload with caution Use the correct procedures for the four, eight and hazard light systems Education, Alertness and Awareness School Bus Drivers Inservice

15 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Evaluation Describe the safe techniques drivers can use to safely load and unload students Name the six danger zones around the school bus Explain the procedure for the proper use of The four light system The eight light system Hazard warning light system 4. Where do school bus injuries and fatalities occur? School Bus Drivers Inservice

16 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #1 Correctly use the eight-light system Instruct children on how to cross safely Eye contact Use a crossing signal Count students School Bus Drivers Inservice

17 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #2 The front of the bus The right side of the school bus The rear of the bus The left side of the bus The forward blind area on the left side The right side loading area School Bus Drivers Inservice

18 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 Check traffic ahead and to the rear of bus. Prior to stopping the bus for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers, activate the alternating amber flashing warning lamps if the bus is so equipped. Activate the amber warning lamps: a. No less than 100 feet and no more than 300 feet from the bus stop where posted speed limit is 35 mph or less, or No less than 300 feet and no more than 500 feet from the bus stop where posted speed limit is 35 mph or more (WAC )(5) School Bus Drivers Inservice

19 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 2. At the same time the ambers are activated or if bus is equipped with a 4 light system, begin to brake gradually 35 mph may require 300 to 400 feet 20 mph may require about 200 feet 3. Stay in traffic lane so the bus can provide protection for students School Bus Drivers Inservice

20 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 Apply brakes and check again for traffic to see if they are stopping or preparing to stop. When possible, stop 6-8 feet short of students to keep them in your vision. When the bus comes to a complete stop, set the parking brake and place the transmission in neutral or park prior to loading or unloading passengers. When it is possible, maintain light pressure on the service brake to activate the brake lamps when loading or unloading passengers. School Bus Drivers Inservice

21 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 6. If you have students crossing, make sure they wait for your signal before they cross. 7. Do not pull in your stop paddle or release your brake until all students are seated and you have done one more complete MIRROR CHECK for late students. School Bus Drivers Inservice

22 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 8. Check traffic to the front and rear of the bus, begin to brake gradually. feet prior to stop, turn right turn signal. Apply foot brake and check traffic. 10. Pull off roadway; stop 6-8 feet short of students, if possible, to keep them in your vision. School Bus Drivers Inservice

23 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 11. Come to a complete stop, set your parking brake and place the transmission in neutral or park prior to loading or unloading passengers. When it is possible, maintain light pressure on the service brake to activate the brake lamps when loading or unloading passengers. 12. Deactivate your right turn signal and activate your hazard warning lights. School Bus Drivers Inservice

24 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #3 13. CHECK MIRRORS. When safe, open doors to load/unload students.  14. Shut doors, turn off hazard warning lights, and activate left turn signal.  15. Release brake, CHECK MIRRORS, and pull back onto roadway when safe. School Bus Drivers Inservice

25 2012-2013 School Bus Drivers Inservice
Answers Question #4 CHECK YOUR MIRRORS and DOOR Question #5 Statistics show most school bus related student accidents and injuries occur in the loading and unloading area at school bus stops. School Bus Drivers Inservice

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