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Case Study: Esperanza Rising

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1 Case Study: Esperanza Rising
Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Getting to Know Esperanza: Chapter 2 – Las Uvas/Grapes

2 Learning Targets I can answer text-dependent questions with evidence to support my ideas in class discussion. I can describe the setting of the novel Esperanza Rising based on evidence from the text. I can describe the main character, Esperanza, based on evidence from the text.

3 In your novel study packet:
Language Activity In your novel study packet: Describe the meaning behind each of the following Mexican Proverbs: He who fall today may rise tomorrow. The rich person is richer when he becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich. Every rose has its thorns.

4 Setting and Character in Chapter 1
* Esperanza Rising is historical fiction The author draws upon real events, real settings, and some real people, but also made up many events and characters. Quick Review: What is the setting of Esperanza Rising? What is Esperanza’s relationship with her papa like? How do you know?

5 Chapter 2 Las Uvas/Grapes (pages 4-8)
As we read this book, we are going to be thinking a lot about the characters – what they are like, the challenges they face, and how they change over time. Follow along as you listen to pages 4-8. Reread pages 4-8 on your own. As you read, find evidence to answer this question: Esperanza would like to live at El Rancho de las Rosas with her Mama and Papa forever. Why does she feel this way?

6 Chapter 2 Las Uvas/Grapes (pages 8-12)
As you listen to pages 8-12, look for evidence to answer this question: Esperanza and Mama seem to be worried about Papa. What specific words or phrases in this section of the novel help you know that they are worried? Why are they worried?

7 Chapter 2 Las Uvas/Grapes (pages 12-22)
In your novel study packet: At the top of page 18, what did Esperanza mean when she spoke of a deep river that ran between her and Miguel? At the end of the chapter, Esperanza feels her heart drop and that she has sunk into a “dark hole of despair and disbelief.” What can we infer happened to Esperanza’s father? 12:40 – 23: stop at 19:18 for first question

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