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Rising Seniors Class scheduling.

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Presentation on theme: "Rising Seniors Class scheduling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rising Seniors Class scheduling

2 Scheduling appointments
March 5-9 See guidance door in cafeteria for your time *missed appointments may not be able to be made up— *if you have an excused absence, see guidance for possible time All forms are on school website Parents are welcome or can call (phone conference) – Appointments are 15 minutes

3 ENGLISH English 4 Honors English 4—see criteria
Eng 4 or 3 Dual Enrollment—see criteria ENGLISH

4 HONORS ENGLISH English IV Honors criteria—App due April 4!
If you were in Eng III Honors… Honors English III grade = A or B (Must meet 2 of the following) Meet or exceed district approved cut score set for an on demand writing prompt Meet or exceed district approved cut score set for grammar/reading comprehension assessment Score of at least 12 on standard recommendation form Performance level = mastered on 2017 English III EOC

5 HONORS ENGLISH English IV Honors criteria—App due April 4!
If you were in Eng III Regular… English III grade = A (Must meet 2 of the following) Meet or exceed district approved cut score set for an on demand writing prompt Meet or exceed district approved cut score set for grammar/reading comprehension assessment Score of at least 12 on standard recommendation form Performance level = mastered on 2017 English III EOC

6 DE ENGLISH Must have 19 ACT in English and Math
Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher Must apply to APSU/DE Lottery Grant Meet all the deadlines TN Resident for at least 1 year Maintain at least a 2.75 GPA in college courses

7 MATH Calculus = Pre-Cal + 19 ACT Math score
SAILS Online through NSCC/State Chance to do college course in the spring semester 18 or below on ACT TBR schools recognize this course so student can begin college level math Bridge Math Statistics – tentative Math 2B—for those completing Math 2A College credit math through APSU Must have an advanced math for highest ranking (policy 4.602) MATH

8 SCIENCE Everyone needs Biology and Chemistry (unless stated in IEP)
Make sure you have had at least one other science Take extra sciences if pursuing high ranking SCIENCE

9 Foreign language Must complete 2 years in same language
Spanish 3 will likely be online Foreign language

10 Must have a semester of Government + semester of Economics
Social Studies

11 requirements Must have PE + personal finance (probably in 10th)
Must have Lifetime Wellness (probably in 9th) requirements

12 electives Fill your schedule with any of these
Great to use for alternates, too electives

13 Elective focus Must have 3 classes in one subject area to graduate CTE
Science & Math Fine Arts Humanities Note: RTI classes can be substituted Elective focus

14 Fine arts Some pre-requisites
Can be an elective focus if 4 or more over the years Fine arts

15 cte Some pre- requisites
Names of courses may change after the state makes revisions in March Must have 3 classes in one area to be an elective focus cte

16 cte Ag Auto Business Health Science Welding Criminal Justice
Mechatronics cte

17 Must pick 3 back ups alternates

18 Dual enrollment Through APSU Must have 19 ACT Eng + Math
Must meet all deadlines Can take 3 hours to 10 hours per semester Dual enrollment

19 Scheduling changes 1 week after school starts to request changes
Remember only a few reasons for schedule changes If you fail a course, you will repeat it if room in your schedule Watch policy for val/sal and ranking Schedules given about a week before school starts

20 prom Ms. Street info

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