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Promotion and School Visits 2012 Teen Summer Reading Program

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion and School Visits 2012 Teen Summer Reading Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion and School Visits 2012 Teen Summer Reading Program
Submitted By: Debbie Henricks Evergreen Community Library

2 Promotions Posters and Flyers
Posters and flyers should be colorful and eye-catching. Make sure all pertinent information is included. Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid).

3 Posters and Flyers Put flyers in hand posters in high traffic areas.
Place items at eye level. Lights and/or other props added will grab attention.

4 Location! Location! Location!
Put flyers throughout your community. Think about places where people have to wait: banks, Dr. offices, stores , schools, etc. Place (laminated) flyers near water fountains. Advertise in all local newspapers.


6 Displays Add a lot of variety to your displays. A display is more than books). Add color and lights to attract attention. Interactive displays work best (where they asked to respond in some way).





11 Promote Your Program in Teen Area
Set up special displays in teen area advertising the theme and special programming you may have. Use one of your library’s display cases to showcase prizes. Large prizes can be displayed in teen area. (We have displayed bicycles on top of the bookcases in teen area.)

12 Outreach Contact all of the schools in your area. Private schools will usually let you come to promote a program. Go through the proper channels. Contact the principal and ask permission before you contact the teachers.

13 Outreach You are representing your library! Be professional.
Let the teacher know how much time you will need and finish by that time! Let the teacher know what to expect. If you are dressing in a costume, bringing special materials or books with you, let them know ahead of time.

14 Outreach Keep it short and sweet. The teachers time is valuable.
Ask when the best time for the teacher is for you to come in, and adjust your schedule accordingly.

15 Outreach Be enthusiastic! The students will respond to your presentation. Try to add as much fun to the presentation as possible! Try to include audience participation.


17 Outreach Send a flyer home with each student, including registration deadlines, program date and times and prizes you already have donated to you. Let the students see you having fun as well! This will give them a glimpse into your programs.

18 Outreach Try to give as much detail as you can into games and activities you have planned. Ask the students if they know where your library is located. If they do not, give them a small map to take home. Ask the office to announce a reminder to sign up for the program.

19 Outreach Ask to include information about your program in any school paper or parent updates the school has.

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