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Birchwood Work with Young People Stella Connell Chief Executive

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Presentation on theme: "Birchwood Work with Young People Stella Connell Chief Executive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Birchwood Work with Young People Stella Connell Chief Executive

2 Services Delivered Prevention and Inclusion Service
Emergency Accommodation Supported Accommodation Move On Support Dispersed Service

3 Birchwood … Prevents and reduces Homelessness Provides Accommodation
Provides Housing related Support Promotes Health and Wellbeing Promote Training Development and Employablity

4 Definition of Homelessness
Street Homelessness Hidden Homeless Temporary Unsafe Accommodation Hearthlessness Homeless Threat of Homelessness

5 Homelessness Health Inequalities
Unhealthy Lifestyle Complex and Overlapping Needs Mental Health/ Substance Misuse/ Physical health Poorer Health Outcomes Report Higher Health Care Needs

6 The Web of Disadvantage
37% of Young Homeless have visited A&E compared to 14% of their peers 24% have been in an Ambulance compared to 3% of their peers. 27% have been admitted to Hospital compared to 6% of their peers

7 The Web of Disadvantage
80% are registed with a GP compared to 92% of their peers 40% are likely to be suffering from depression compared to 21% of their peers 27% have been diagnosed with a mental health condition compared to 7% of their peers

8 The Web of Disadvantage
27% of Young Homeless eat less than two meals a day compared to 2% of their peers 64% smoke every day compared to 6% of their peers 48% use cannabis compared to 6% of their peers

9 Asset Based Transformational Approach
Safety, Stability, Security Strength Based Approach Person Centred Creating Opportunities At their pace Flexibility Consistency

10 Framework Psychologically Informed Environment Partnership Work
Health and Wellbeing Programmes Access to Health Care Crisis Support

11 Birchwood Work with Young People Stella Connell Chief Executive

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