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AP Lang: Vocab 1:2 Word POS Definition Example Abject Adj

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1 AP Lang: Vocab 1:2 Word POS Definition Example Abject Adj
Sad; hopeless; defeated Acerbic Sour; bitter; severe Antithesis N The direct opposite Cull V To sort out or select Doff To take off; to remove; to put aside Explicate To explain in detail; to make clear through explanation Gist Central part; essence Obloquy Verbal widespread abuse of a person or a thing Scapegoat A person that bears the blame for others wrongs Subversive Traitorous; treasonous; corruting; overthrowing

2 A B C D G E F I H J

3 A

4 B

5 C

6 D

7 E

8 F

9 G

10 H

11 I

12 J

13 “Shame” (pgs ) Quick Write: Define “shame”; Give an example of something that could be considered shameful in today’s culture or something that is considered shameful to you.

14 “Shame” (pgs. 212-215) Read questions for “Shame” page 215
Determine our focus for reading based on the questions. Annotate the text for the focuses we decide Dick Gregory: Richard Claxton "Dick" Gregory is an American comedian, social activist, social critic, writer, and entrepreneur.

15 “Shame” (pgs ) 1) The narration begins in paragraph 3, following two paragraphs of commentary about Helen Tucker, a girl on whom the narrator had a crush. What is the PURPOSE of the preliminary paragraphs?

16 “Shame” (pgs ) 2) Beginning in paragraph 9, the narrator adds conversation to the narration. What is the effect of this technique?

17 “Shame” (pgs ) What is the main theme revealed in the story? Is it implied or stated?

18 “Shame” (pgs ) 4) In paragraph 5, what is the purpose of repeating the word “pregnant”? What does the author mean?

19 “Shame” (pgs ) 5) Did the narrator do the right thing by not going back to school often after the Helen Tucker incident? What kept him away? Do you emphasize or do you think the narrator was oversensitive?

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