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Before we begin, please complete the Back to School Survey and/or sign up for conferences if you haven’t done so yet. Thank you!

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Presentation on theme: "Before we begin, please complete the Back to School Survey and/or sign up for conferences if you haven’t done so yet. Thank you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we begin, please complete the Back to School Survey and/or sign up for conferences if you haven’t done so yet. Thank you!

2 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Miss Powner Room 234

3 About Miss P Grew up outside Pittsburgh
Attended Gannon University in Erie, PA BS in Elementary and Special Education MS in Elementary Reading and Math Post graduate certificate in Administration with a Concentration in Special Education Began teaching in 2003 Taught 2nd, MS Learning Support, 4/5 Learning Support, 5th

4 Attendance If your child is going to be absent please let me or the attendance secretary know if at all possible. You can also at DIS- This is especially true if it will be an extended absence. The number of days absent will be the number of days allowed to make up the missed assignments. Please ensure that your child is in the building by 7:50 or they will be considered tardy.

5 Standards of Learning Reading, Math and Science SOL assessments in May
Science will consist of 4th and 5th grade concepts No writing SOL in 5th Grade

6 Why is homework assigned?
Homework is an important tool for reinforcing what has been learned in school. It also prepares students for upcoming lessons, fosters responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits. Although homework is not graded, participation and completion is expected. Exchange phone numbers with a classmate who you can contact with questions.

7 Homework Policy Students are expected to read for twenty minutes. It is also strongly encouraged to practice math facts if not memorized. Homework should not take more than minutes to complete (exceptions may occur). Students are not allowed to call home from school for missing assignments. Encourage self-advocacy. Miss Powner's webpage

8 What are your child’s responsibilities?
Students should complete homework assignments every night as neatly and correctly as they can. All assignments should be completed in pencil, unless assigned otherwise. All work should be completed and turned in by the due date. They utilize their agenda to record assignments, tests, projects, etc, and reference it when completing work. Prepare themselves for middle school next year!

9 Mathematics Students will have a 1” binder devoted to math only.
Guided math allows for flexible grouping and blends direct instruction, guided practice, student centers, and a more number rich classroom environment. Benefits: Allows students to develop problem solving skills Differentiated instruction by skill or task Collaborative math environment

10 Balanced Literacy We follow a Reading Workshop model. Students choose an independent reading book on their level, then utilize sticky notes and their reading journal to record their thoughts as they read. Students also conference with the teacher and participate in strategy groups. Each student is required to keep a Reading section in their binder, a Word Study Notebook, and a Language Notebook. All of these materials will be used to help your child become a proficient reader and writer. Read nightly—at least 20 minutes!

11 Science Social Studies
Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science topics SOL in May covers both 4th and 5th grade concepts Social Studies Regions of the United States States, capitals, and abbreviations

12 Quizzes & Tests Dates for quizzes and tests will be listed in agendas and on my website. We usually do some review in class the day before, but students need to study at home as well. Specific information to be studied will be highlighted in notes and handouts.

13 Terrific Tuesday Students are welcome to stay after school on Tuesdays until 3:30 to complete homework or study. Begins Sept 27th A note or must be sent in giving permission to stay and who will be picking up the student. No phone calls will be made home. Students will be given two warnings for a late pickup before being asked not to participate.

14 Grading Policies & Procedures
Students will receive assignments throughout the week. Be sure to check your child’s Thursday Folder and Parent Vue. Students will be receiving effort grades in all subject areas, including homework! Grading Key: A = Outstanding B = Very Good C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement F = Not Performing Progress Indicators: 4 = Exceeds Standard 3 = Meets Standard 2 = Progressing Toward Standard 1 = Below Standard O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement

15 Behavior Management System
In 5th grade, students will earn classroom incentives. These are based upon students meeting behavioral and academic expectations. Discovery is a PBIS school (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports). As the quarter progresses and students are adjusting to their routines, we will introduce the Fun Friday classroom incentive.

16 Discovery is a PBIS School
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Provides a positive climate for learning Has a common language and expectations Respectful Responsible Ready to Learn Uses the “Nurtured Heart Approach” There’s always something going right! Clear set of rules and consequences Focus on positive attention and praise

17 Snacks Lunch 12:35-1:05. Please send in healthy snacks. Do not send in chips, cookies, etc. Students are welcome to use the refrigerator and microwave for snacks and/or lunch items. Reusable water bottles are welcomed!

18 Why Personalized Learning for Discovery Elementary School
Resource Article: Loudoun County Schools #LoudounPL and Tag © 2016 Education Elements

19 Top Skills Employers Want Leadership Ability to work in a team
In a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) for Job Outlook 2015, employers look for: Leadership Ability to work in a team Communicate verbally with people inside and outside the organization Problem-solving skills Strong work ethic Talking Points: In a 2015 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the 5 skills employers say they seek are listed here. These types of skills are valued in today’s economy. How are we ensuring that our kids aren’t exposed to them for the first time once they leave school? How do we bring in these types of skills to the school experience? Source:

20 Empowering All Students to Make Meaningful Contributions to the World
Personalized Learning is dynamically tailoring learning experiences to students’ strengths, needs and/or interests. The outcome of learning at LCPS is a student who is a knowledgeable, critical thinker, communicator, collaborator, creator and contributor. These traits allow that student to make meaningful contributions to the world. Image to be updated when we have the digital file

21 Informational BYOT Nights
Beginning in 2016, Discovery Elementary will implement BYOT, Bring Your Own Technology, which encourages students to bring their personal technology tools to school for learning. As students utilize their personal technology devices in school, they can learn new ways to use them for collaborating and interacting with their teachers and each other to research information, solve complex problems, create original products, and publish their work. BYOT supports One to the World. Informational BYOT Nights October 4th - 5:30pm October 12th - 5:30pm Image to be updated when we have the digital file

22 Students Rights and Responsibilities
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Students Rights and Responsibilities Media Release and Photographs Student/Parent Technology Usage Form Image to be updated when we have the digital file

23 Please be careful when selecting Media Release and Photographs box.
*The second choice (do NOT give permission) does not allow your child to be on the school website, too. (Photos from grade level performances, PTO activities, Spelling Bee, etc).

24 ParentVUE Visit the ParentVUE from the Discovery Webpage
Activating account requires Activation Key If you do not have access to ParentVUE and need an Activation Key, please contact Diane Allen at Discovery Elementary ( ). Image to be updated when we have the digital file

25 Connecting With Discovery Elementary
Discovery Website Facebook Image to be updated when we have the digital file



28 Simple Ways to Support Discovery
Collect Box Tops for Education Collect Labels for Education Collect Coke Rewards points Link grocery and Target cards; Shoparoo app Link your Amazon shopping to Discovery Send in empty ink cartridges

29 A few requests The room temperature is not controlled by me and has a mind of its own. A hoodie is suggested to be kept in the classroom. Another suggestion is to keep deodorant in your child’s backpack. Please no mechanical pencils!! Keep a stash of school supplies at home for replenishing and/or homework.

30 Communication Email: Class webpage Emails
Thursday folder Written notes Conferences Remind app

31 Questions?

32 Thank you for coming and I look forward to a great year!

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