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K-3 Formative Assessment: Administrator Training

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1 K-3 Formative Assessment: Administrator Training
Trainer’s Notes: These slides address issues related to the security of the data teachers collect as part of this K-3 Formative Assessment. These issues are the same that any school or district encounters in assessing children. Depending on the state or district policy, you may want to cover these points with administrators as part of the training for this assessment. Teacher using this assessment will be collecting data about the children in their classes. The training should include information and considerations in managing these data, consistent with your state, district, and school policies. This slide will need to be customized for your state/district/school and be inclusive of any additional data security measures agreed upon by the technology vendor.

2 Agenda This Session Other Sessions Data Security
Formative Assessment Process Supporting Your Teachers Script: As an administrator, you are likely interested in data security and want to be able to answer questions from families and teachers that may arise. And depending on your school district’s policy and staffing, you may be the person responsible for seeing that the assessment data collected in your building are secure.

3 Protecting Student Information
Ensuring data are… Private Confidential Secure Script: Administrators should review measures in place at your district and school regarding the privacy, confidentiality, and security of data collected as part of this assessment.

4 What kinds of information should you be protecting?
Personally identifiable information (PII) e.g., name, date of birth, race/ethnicity, IEP status Child data e.g., learning status on progression, photos, videos, information linked to assessment data Teacher data (if collected) e.g., educational degree, race/ethnicity Script: These are examples of the kinds of data you should discuss protecting with your teachers.

5 How should teachers and schools protect PII and other data?
Security Password protected access to technology platform and teacher website Password restricted data files Industry standard security features followed by technology platform vendor Note to Trainer: Trainers may need to adapt this slide. Script: Multiple safeguards should be in place to secure the assessment data including password protected access a tech platform, a teacher web site, and the assessment data files. Data storage by the tech platform vendor should reflect industry standards for security features.

6 Responsibilities Re: Student-Level Data
Protect the security of the information as you would any other data on children Data are secure in the tech platform Ensure staff understand the importance of protecting the security of printed assessment reports Follow school and district policies regarding any photos or videos collected as evidence for this assessment. Finally, with regard to confidentiality and data security, remember that anyone on your staff who has access to the information being collected about children is expected to handle that information as they would any other student-level information. Do not give anyone access to the technology platform by sharing passwords. Also, ensure that staff understand the importance of protecting anything with student-level information such as photos, videos, and reports. Many schools and districts have specific policies around photographing or videotaping students. Since teachers are encouraged to document a child's placement on each progression with evidence that may include photos or videos, please follow your school and district polices when managing these data.

7 Family Brochure Script:
[Insert Contact Information Here] Script: If you would like to provide families more information about this assessment, consider creating a flier or brochure about the assessment in family-friendly language. Here is an example of the family brochure that was used in field testing this assessment. A copy of this brochure is available in English and Spanish among the training materials and could be adapted for your use.

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