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Going Beyond Accommodations:

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Presentation on theme: "Going Beyond Accommodations:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Beyond Accommodations:
Utilizing Partnerships, Visibility, and Programming to Support Students Kimberly Doan Associate Director Student Accessibility Services Tufts University

2 Presentation Overview
-About Tufts and SAS -Reviewing the current culture -Identifying areas of focus and determining initiatives -Overview of implementation -Future directions

3 About Tufts and SAS -Campus’ in Boston, Grafton, and Medford/Somerville, MA. -Approx. 5,500 undergraduate and 6,000 graduate students. -SAS: 5 full- time staff. Tufts University (2018). “Tufts at a Glance”. Retrieved from

4 Disability Culture at Tufts
-Student population Approximately 14% Current disability breakdown -How do we assess current needs and trends? Annual surveys administered to students and instructors Student conversations Student publications and public forums

5 Type of Disability Behling, K. (2018). Housing Accommodations at Tufts [PowerPoint slide].


7 Surveys -“I feel that Tufts values disability as diversity.”

8 Surveys 1. “Is there anything the SAS office could be providing that you would find helpful? 2. “In what areas do you feel the SAS office can improve their performance?

9 Data Followed 3 Main Themes:
Visibility Partnerships Student Engagement

10 Focus area #1 VISIBILITY

11 Surveys “Having a greater campus presence might help identify the office to students.” 2014 “Perhaps have informal sessions where students can drop in and have all the different programs/offerings of SAS thoroughly explained to them.” 2016 “... it would be nice if you made your presence a little more known.. It personally took a lot for me to even express that I needed accommodations -- I think a lot of Tufts kids are the same way with asking for help.” 2017

12 Visibility on Campus Goal? Be more visible and present on campus.
-Strategies: Signage SAS apparel Increased online presence Prospective student programming Fidgets and giveaways

13 Additional Visibility Strategies
-Lower-cost strategies: Social media University publications Drop-in hours Increased print and electronic materials Attendance at community events Resource fairs and campus-wide events

14 Question for the Group…
What are you doing on your campus?

15 Focus area #2 PARTNERSHIPS

16 Surveys “A session regarding various teaching styles used to educate people with disabilities would be helpful since many professors are unaware of the different ways information can be transmitted.” 2014 “Improve communication between staff members, and expand awareness/ accommodation of mental illness disabilities or "invisible" disabilities.” 2016 “I think that it would be extremely helpful to have more events or communication with CMHS.” 2016

17 Partnerships Goal? Create and foster dynamic partnerships across campus, with an additional focus on faculty and staff. -Strategies (faculty): Visiting departmental meetings Providing referential materials to instructors Faculty Advisory Board Development of faculty page on SAS website

18 Additional Partner Strategies
-Lower-cost strategies: Collaboration with campus departments Local organizations DSO professionals in our network Offering trainings/workshops Recognition and kudos

19 Question for the Group….
What are you doing on your campus?


21 Surveys “Perhaps a safe space/forum for students to talk about accessibility would be good, especially as it opens up a conversation usually seen as taboo on campus.” 2014 “I think it's important to let students know of all the ways the staff can act as a resource and help them. As I've gone through my time at tufts, I've discovered more benefits/ways I can use my time with SAS staff that I didn't realize before”. 2016 “I would greatly appreciate if there could be more work with students to make the environment more accepting of students with disabilities as well as dispel stigmas/misconceptions.” 2017

22 Student Engagement Goal? Provide a space for students to engage with SAS and peers with disabilities, while facilitating programming around disability-related topics. -Strategies: Facilitate student- created projects Run programming with student organizations Support disability-based clubs on campus

23 Student Engagement -Student projects: “Day By Day”
“Tufts Testimonials” Bernoff, R. & Hosking, B. (2017, April 20). Day By Day [Video file]. Retrieved from

24 Student Engagement -Programming and student organization support
Events aimed to facilitate disability discussion Events partnered with student groups Collaboration with undergraduate RA’s Hosting discussion forums Information Sessions


26 Question for the Group…
What are you doing on your campus?


28 2018 Questionnaire -“How do you feel disability awareness and advocacy has changed… in comparison to previous years?”

29 2018 Questionnaire Awareness and advocacy have significantly improved.
43.01% (40 responses) Awareness and advocacy have slightly improved. 38.71% (36 responses) Awareness and advocacy have remained the same. 18.28% (17 responses)

30 2018 Questionnaire -“What ways do you feel the campus climate... could be improved?” -“ ...what do you feel are the greatest accessibility challenges facing our campus today? Do you have any recommendations on how to meet this need?...”


32 Future Directions -Physical accessibility on-campus
-Administrative improvements -Collaboration across campus’ with complex individualized cases in mind -Transition support -Increasing program attendance

33 Finally... Questions?

34 Contact Information Tufts University Student Accessibility Services, Medford Campus Phone:

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