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2 Culture Development Observations: 5th BN “5 until you die” No established cadet culture or unit with the exception of PB. BN Currently underperforming its potential. Silver lining…no long standing “Cadet Traditions”… should be more receptive to change. Recommendation: Develop positive BN and company identities with goal oriented cadet leadership focused on increasing unit and personal performance.

3 Performance Matrix Academics Lowest BN AVG in the Corp. *PB had highest Fall GPA. PT: 2nd Lowest BN CPFT AVG in the Corp, * P Co. won BOV trophy and PB 2nd on CPFT Conduct: 40 AWOL over 4hrs Community Service 3070 hrs/Goal 4000 hrs

4 Conduct: Class I (67) 5 BN 2017 4 BN 2016 40 - AWOL > 4 hours 15
0 - Hazing th Class Violation (Major) 17 7 - Alcohol on Campus 8 - Conduct Unbecoming 9 0 - Discredit to the Citadel 2 0 - Disobedience of a lawful order 4 1 - Under-mining COC/ Disrespect 3 0 - Racism 1 Discrimination 0 0 - Drugs 2 - Disrespect to School Official 0 Damage to School Property 0 0 – Fireworks

5 ISSUES Punishment adjudication and review
Class III at Co TAC level, Class II at BN TAC level Demerits and Suitability Boards Remove automatic merits, performance merits only PT Planning REGT Semester PT Schedule Alcohol and Tobacco in Barracks increase penalties (health and welfares) for alcohol/tobacco in barracks

6 WAY AHEAD Establish a positive unit culture/identity
Increase Academic and CPFT performance Improve accountability and all ins Increase and mentor PL/PSG and SL duties and responsibilities Focus on Moral Courage


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