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April 2, 2015 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

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1 April 2, 2015 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Gothic Horror Quiz Quick Write HW: Bildungsroman Book EQ: How can the American Gothic authors’ examination of psychological darkness and terror lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves? English II & English II Honors

2 Gothic Horror Quiz English II & English II Honors

3 Gothic Horror Quiz English II & English II Honors

4 Quick Write Writing English II & English II Honors

5 Literary Analysis Craft a three paragraph essay that analyzes one element of psychological horror in “The Tell-tale Heart.” Provide examples and fully explain them. Then, discuss the how these examples connect thematically to the psychological horror in “The Black Cat.” Be specific with all of your examples and use direct quotes. English II & English II Honors

6 Literary Analysis Paragraph #1 – standard introduction
Paragraph #2 – analyze “The Tell-tale Heart” Paragraph #3 – connect to “The Black Cat” English II & English II Honors

7 Homework On your own English II & English II Honors

8 Bildungsroman 1. Takes place in a unique and specific social context.
2. The coming of age is initiated by loss or failure. 3. The primary conflict is between the character and a society who does not accept him/her. 4. The story resolves with the character coming to terms with society. English II & English II Honors

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