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Priority 3 NMP: generalities

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1 Priority 3 NMP: generalities
Renzo TOMELLINI Head of Unit “Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies” Directorate “Industrial Technologies” Research Directorate-general European Commission In general, good participation so far in quantity (proposals) and quality (proposals retained for negotiations or those passed to stage 2) in terms of partners involved, but also in terms of excellent scientists Disappointment (for both ACC and MS) due to over-subscription Important to register the feedback from ACC’s scientific community and stakeholders in order to better focus next calls The entire evaluation process is not yet complete so that conclusions cannot be drawn to date Increase participation in IP an NoE: contacts, be known, learn These pages do not represent any commitment on behalf of the European Commission. Please refer to official documents. See, e.g.:

2 A changing role for the EU’s Framework Programme
Objective “Lisbon”: to become the most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy Objective “Göteborg”: sustainable development (environment, economy, employment) Objective “Barcelona”: education and training, innovation ERA: …Integrating, reinforcing, structuring

3 This involves ... Stimulating research activities
Need to reconsider industrial products & processes (more knowledge-based than resource intensive) Adaptation of research stakeholders to new contexts & sustainable development (think differently) Support to radical innovation through breakthrough oriented RTD

4 FP6 ( ) Main principles A tool to support ERA and to promote competitiveness concentration on selected priority areas structuring effect on research activities streamlining of implementation

5 FP6 (2002-2006) Integrating European Research 13345
life sciences, genomics and biotech for health information society technologies nanotech, knowledge-based materials, production 1300 aeronautics and space food quality and safety sustainable dev, global change and ecosystems citizens and governance - anticipating needs (INCO, CRAFT, JRC, etc) Structuring the ERA research & innov., human res., infrastructures, science & society Strengthening the Foundations of ERA EURATOM TOTAL € million 17,500

6 Investing in research: Towards 3% of GDP
Japan USA 2,5 2 Business funded R&D R&D in % of GDP 1,5 1 Public funded R&D 0,5 EU 2000 EU 2010 objective

7 Support to SMEs General activities (also in TP3: Collaborative research) At least 15% of the total budget allocated to SMEs Specific activities Co-operative research: by RTD centres for SMEs or by high-tech SMEs in collaboration with research centres and universities (CRAFT) Collective research: by RTD centres for industry groupings in entire sectors of dominated by SMEs

8 Cooperation with Third Countries
The European Research Area is open to the world Three major routes: Thematic Priorities are open to Third Countries, with some substantial Community funding (~€ 30m in TP3) Specific measures for international cooperation Activities regarding Human Resources S&T Agreements with several countries Implementing Arrangements on Materials Research with China and the United States (NSF)

9 Thematic Priority 3 concentrates on:
i) Nanotechnology, as a flagship of the next industrial revolution ii) Multi-functional knowledge-based materials, as critical drivers of innovation iii) New Production processes and devices, as the key to sustainable development

10 Thematic Priority 3 Overall approach and objectives
Transformation of EU industry with a view to sustainable development From resource-based to knowledge-based Promote real breakthroughs not just incremental research Integration of production and consumption patterns Integration of education and skills development

11 Networks of Excellence (NE)
Instruments Instruments to implement the thematic area and to ensure high European impacts on selected technical and socio-economic issues Integrated Projects (IP) Networks of Excellence (NE) New Instruments Coordination Actions (CA) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Traditional projects “Stairways of excellence” Specific Support Actions (SSA)

12 Networks of excellence
New instruments Networks of excellence versus Integrated projects Strengthen excellence in a research domain Aim at integration Joint programme of activities Seeking continuity Autocatalytic knowledge mass for excellence EC funds: depending on “integrated” resources Society problems & competitiveness Aim at exploitation Implementation plan (pre-defined results) Limited in time Critical mass for problem solving EC funds: depending on estimated costs

13 Specific targeted research projects
Traditional instruments Specific targeted research projects (STREP) Coordination actions (CA) Specific support actions (SSA) Stimulating cooperation to improve research competencies EC funds only for coordination activities Similar structure as traditional projects Research at frontier of knowledge EC funds for RTD activities Foresight activities Interaction with regulators and public authorities

14 New Instruments - IP for SMEs
Specific conditions At least 50% of the partners are SME SME budget participation is considerable, but there is no specific minimum percentage of the total budget Duration recommended to be maximum 4 years Size generally smaller than other IPs but still considerable with an average estimated EC funding around 7 M€

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