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Presentation on theme: "ÉSFCHS/AHSFA INFORMATION EVENING"— Presentation transcript:


2 Principal Vince Hunter Grade 10 VP Kathryn Strilchuk Grade 11 VP
Your Admin Team Principal Vince Hunter Grade 10 VP Kathryn Strilchuk Grade 11 VP Derek Markides Grade 12 VP Jordan Rhodes

3 Family School Liaison Counsellor Lauren Warner
Counselling Team Grade 10’s & grade 12’s L-Z Andrea Laubman Grade 11’s & Grade 12’s A-K Hollie Tripp Family School Liaison Counsellor Lauren Warner

4 Fine Arts Music-Instrumental Music-Choral Music-Vocal Ensemble
* 07/16/96 Fine Arts Performing Arts Technical Arts Visual Arts Music-Instrumental Music-Choral Music-Vocal Ensemble Music-Jazz Band (after school) Music – general music Drama Drama-Advanced Acting (after school in both semesters) Musical Theatre Drama-Technical Theatre Communication Technology Information and Design Technology Art Art History Professional Studio Arts Mac ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS DIPLOMA 6-7 Fine Arts courses (2 at the 30-level) are needed as a pathway to obtaining a AHSFA diploma – please fill in an AHSFA intent form to have your child enrolled in AHSFA! *

5 Career & Technology Studies (C.T.S.)
* 07/16/96 Career & Technology Studies (C.T.S.) Business Education Communication Technology Construction Technology Cosmetology Fabrication (Welding) Foods (Culinary Arts) Robotics Electrical Technologies Outdoor education Information Technology & Design Mechanics Legal Studies/forensic science Medical Sciences Sports Medicine Sports Performance TMT (mechanics/robotics) TMT (welding/construction) Plumbing/electrical Mac *

6 2nd Languages Spanish French as a second language
* 07/16/96 2nd Languages Spanish French as a second language Why study a 2nd language? Other than increased IQ, better study skills, and travel opportunities… Having a 2nd language to the grade 12 level opens numerous post-secondary doors because languages are academic options! Requirements for many university programs: English 30-1, 3 - Academic grade 12 courses, One grade 12 option Mac *

7 French Immersion French Immersion students take Etudes Sociales in one semester and French Language Arts in the other semester. Students also participate in the French for the Future National Forum, attempt their DELF diploma, and have the opportunity to travel to France, among other cultural activities. For more information, swing by room 233 to speak with Mme Jensen.

8 English and Math AP English AP: Room 240 Math AP: Room 226
What is the AP program? Generally speaking, it is designed for students to are passionate about Math and/or English, who are self-motivated, and who have an excellent work ethic. There are presentations every ½ hour in the following rooms: English AP: Room 240 Math AP: Room 226

9 Athletics Our athletic director: Mr. Darren Olson

10 How to choose your child’s classes
If your child is an FSD student: they have been using myblueprint with their grade 9 classes. Tomorrow morning they will be able to click on the button on the top left of their homepage labelled “view courses” This will prompt them to select their courses and submit them. When they have successfully submitted their courses it will show “success”!!

11 Problems? If your child’s home page says “course selection issues” it means they haven’t registered their Alberta Education number and MUST do so! Your child’s grade 9 health teacher has access to all the myblueprint information and Mrs. Tripp is in the counselling area tonight to help you with any problems

12 If you are new to FSD If your child is not attending RDL, Westmount, Heritage Heights or OJ please follow these instructions: Pick up a new-to-FSD registration folder from Mrs. Tripp in the counselling area Fill in all the paperwork Make a registration appointment with a VP by calling the main office Bring your child’s report card, any supporting documents and completed paperwork to your appointment

13 How is your child placed in the academic streams?
Grade 9 teachers have completed recommended academic pathways based on ability, work ethic, and attendance. All students’ course selections will be changed based on those recommendations. 2. Along with these recommendations, the PAT scores are used as indicators for appropriate pathways If your child isn’t ready YET for a higher level academic streams, we will help them bridge those learning gaps through the 6 semesters of high school. 4. If you wish to appeal the academic placement, you can find the appeal form on our website and you can discuss this during your registration appointment If your child has an ILP, please call the office to book a registration appointment with the learning coach

14 Communication With Parents
* 07/16/96 Communication With Parents Webpage update regularly Maplewood Parental access to grades and attendance Monthly progress reports ed home the last day of each month Synervoice: important announcement and unexcused absences are reported to parents – please excuse your child when absent! If you “like” our Facebook page you will automatically get website updates Andrea *

15 * 07/16/96 School Council YOUR opportunity to get involved as a parent here at Foothills Composite High School/Alberta High School of Fine Arts and to have input on the many decisions that are made in the best interests of our students! ALL are welcome and meetings take place monthly every 2nd Tuesday of the 6 pm. Andrea *

16 Registration Appointments – book now!
On our website – under the parents tab – there is a link to register an account to book a registration appointment There are morning, afternoon, and evening appointments! We want every grade 10 family to come in for a quick 10 minute appointment but if you are new to FSD please call the office to book a longer appointment with a VP

17 Does your child have an ILP?
please call the office directly to book your registration appointment with a learning coach Mr. Crosby will be your learning coach

18 It must be completed by grade 12 to get your diploma!
Options for taking CALM (Career and Life Management) 1 – Take it this summer, either in class during summer school or online. It takes about 40 hours to complete online and students can attend in person or complete it 100% online. You must self-register for summer school, it will open in April for registration. 2 – Take it in class as one of your full options 3 – Take it in class as a blended PE 10 and CALM (both will take up 1 option spot) 3 – Take it in summer after grade 10 prior to starting grade 11 It must be completed by grade 12 to get your diploma!

19 New courses for 2018 Full year Math10C/Science 10 cohort
Outdoor Education CALM/PE blend (counts as 1 course) Math 10C Prep is only offered in summer school

20 Credits, Graduation requirement, academic streaming and more!
High School 101 Credits, Graduation requirement, academic streaming and more! Please stay for the rest of the presentation if you would like to learn about how high school works – a lot has changed since we were in high school!

21 Grade 10 – Student A example
Semester 1 English – 5 credits Math – 5 credits Phys Ed – 5 credits Option – 5/6 credits Semester 2 Social Studies – 5 credits Science – 5 credits *CALM – 6 credits Option – 5/6 credits 42 Credits Grade 11 Semester 1 Semester 2 L E A D R S H I P Grade 12 Semester 1 Semester 2

22 Minimum Course Load by Grades
English 10-1AP, 10-1 or 10-2 English 20-1AP, 20-1 or 20-2 English 30-1AP, 30-1, 30-2 Social 10-1 or 10-2 Social 20-1 or 20-2 Social 30-1 or 30-2 Science 10 or 14 Science (Biology 20, Chemistry 20, Physics 20, science 20 or science 24) Additional Gr. 12 Science courses can be taken Math 10CAP, 10C, 10C full year or 10-3 Math 20-1, 20-2 or 20-3 Additional Gr. 12 Math courses can be taken Physical Education 10 Option 1 CALM Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

23 Where are you as a learner today?
ELA 10 AP >85% - Mastery ELA 10-1 65-85% - Acceptable - Mastery Language Arts 9 Where are you as a learner today? 50-65% - Beginning - Acceptable ELA 10-2 Certificate of completion ACCEPTABLE ELA 10-4

24 Needed for all university programs Pathways: anything is possible!
May be used for college Where are you today? Where do you want to be?

25 Where are you as a learner today?
Social 10-1 >65% Acceptable - Mastery Social Studies 9 Where are you as a learner today? Social 10-2 50-65% - Beginning - Acceptable Social 10-4 Certificate of completion

26 Pathways: anything is possible!
Needed for certain universities Pathways: anything is possible! Acceptable for many university programs and colleges Where are you today? Where do you want to be?

27 Where are you as a learner today?
Science 10 >65% - Acceptable - Mastery Science 9 Where are you as a learner today? Science 14 50-65% - Beginning Certificate of completion Science 10-4

28 Pathways: anything is possible!
Colleges and/or trades may require 20-level sciences Pathways: anything is possible! 2 sciences, sometimes 3, needed for many university programs Where are you today? Where do you want to be?

29 Where are you as a learner today? Certificate of Completion
Mathematics 10AP >85% - Mastery Mathematics 10c 65-85% - Acceptable - Mastery Math 9 Where are you as a learner today? 50-65% - Beginning Full year Math 10C / Math 10-3 or Math10C prep in summer school Certificate of Completion Math 10-4

30 Math 31 and 30-1 are needed for calculus-based professions
30-2 Math is acceptable for most university programs Acceptable for many trades programs

31 Is your child successful in math 9 with a minimum of 65-70%?
Basically, here’s the general rule for Math Is your child successful in math 9 with a minimum of 65-70%? No Grade 10: Math 10-3 Grade 11: Math 20-3 Grade 12: Math 30-3 No Summer before grade 10: Math10CPrep Or full year Math10C Grade 11: Math 20-2 Grade 12: Math 30-2 Yes Grade 10: Math 10C full year or semestered Grade 11: Math 20-2 or Grade 12: Math 30-2 or Under 65% in 10C or not pursuing the careers mentioned below Minimum 65% in 10C What programs require Math 30-1? Most science degrees (Kinesiology, biological sciences, earth sciences…) NOT nursing (nursing accepts 30-2) All engineering programs including oil and gas tech programs at SAIT Some bachelors of Commerce programs


33 Thank you for joining us this evening!
* 07/16/96 Thank you for joining us this evening! Vince Hunter: Derek Markides: Jordan Rhodes: Kathryn Strilchuk: Andrea Laubman: Hollie Tripp: Andrea *


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