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Published byDerick Robert Glenn Modified over 6 years ago
Establish a HR Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) and Inspection Program
HR Plans and Operations Course Establish a HR Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) and Inspection Program SHOW SLIDE: Administer Officer Promotions and Selections SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 1 hrs/30 mins Small Group Instruction 1 hrs/00 mins Practical Exercise (Performance) 2 hrs/30 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss SAV and Inspection Program Method of Instruction. Conference/discussion Instructor to Student Ration: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. MOTIVATOR: A major function of the HR planner is to conduct assistance visits to ensure they are performing their mission in accordance with established policies and procedures. By conducting SAV’s the HR planners support effective Personnel Information Management/PRM / PA/ SR across the unit. The HR planner helps to identified potential problems in the areas of training, system functionality, and procedures (SOP). As needed they can request assistance to ensure HR support continues as planned. If the HR planner conducts a visit and finds that the procedures are not right they can relay to the policy maker or HRSC to improve processing. The HR planner also addresses issues brought up from the G1/S1 and through the use of the SAV’s can mitigate many issues. Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School 6 June 2018
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Establish an HR Organizational Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) Program Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR (Army Inspection Policy), and access to the U.S. Army IG School Inspections Guide and awareness of our Operational Environment (OE). Standard: Students will meet the standard when they correctly: 1. Define the basic principles of Army inspections 2. Identify the principles of the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) 3. Determine how to utilize a Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) SLIDE SHOW: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Establish an HR Organizational Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) Program Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR (Army Inspection Policy), and access to the U.S. Army IG School Inspections Guide and awareness of our Operational Environment (OE). Standard: Students will meet the standard when they correctly: 1. Define the basic principles of Army inspections 2. Identify the principles of the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) 3. Determine how to utilize a Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) NOTE: Review TLO with students. NOTE: U.S. Army IG School Inspections Guide is posted on HR Plans and Operations SharePoint site. NOTE: Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes (GLO). The GLOs are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. GLO 4: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in mission command leader and commander tasks. This includes Lead the Operations Process, Inform and Influence Relative Audiences, Develop Teams within Units and UA Partners, Art of Command/Science of Control, Pre-Combat Inspections, Lead the Unit, Organize Staff for Operations, Rapid Decision and Synchronization Processes, and Troop Leading Procedures. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT
Outline Inspections Root Cause Analysis Staff Assistance Visits
Principles Elements Types Responsibilities Root Cause Analysis Staff Assistance Visits Purpose Format SLIDE SHOW: OUTLINE REFERENCE: AR 201-1 General Information on Inspections Definition Types Categories Principles OIP How to develop an OIP Ask the students why do we conduct Inspections and SAVs?
Army Inspection – Definition
“An evaluation that measures performance against a standard and that should identify the cause of any deviation...” - AR 1-201 SHOW SLIDE: ARMY INSPECTION – DEFINITION “An evaluation that measures performance against a standard and that should identify the cause of any deviation. All inspections start with compliance against a standard. Commanders/State Adjutants General/program managers/directors tailor inspections to their needs tailor inspections to their needs”
Do Not EXPECT What You Do Not INSPECT!
Bottom Line Do Not EXPECT What You Do Not INSPECT! Good leaders inspect…inspections are a leadership tool Inspections done properly strengthen the chain of command Inspections help commanders find “ground truth” Inspections help commanders “calibrate” subordinates to the correct standard Teach your subordinates how to inspect…no one else will SLIDE SHOW: BOTTOM LINE Good leaders inspect…inspections are a leadership tool Formal Informal
Types of Inspections General Inspection: Broad in scope, oriented on units, and designed to look at all aspects of the organization. Special Inspection: Focused on specific functions, programs, procedures, problems, or issues; these inspections also look at groups of related problems or procedures. The special inspection facilitates the systemic approach to an inspection and is the preferred type of IG Inspection. Follow-up Inspection: Review the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of a previous inspection. SLIDE SHOW: TYPES OF INSPECTIONS
Principles of Army Inspections
Coordinated Focused on Feedback Purposeful Instructive Followed-up/ Corrective actions SLIDE SHOW: PRINCIPLES OF ARMY INSPECTIONS REFERENCE: AR 1-201, para 2-2 Army inspections follow five basic principles. Purposeful. Inspections must have a specific purpose that the commander approves. For an inspection to be purposeful, an inspection must be. Related to the mission accomplishment. Tailored to meet the commander’s needs while remaining relevant and responsive. Performance oriented. Endstate to increase performance, support transformation, and reduce risk. Coordinated. Reduce redundancies, complements other inspection activities, and minimizes inspection burden. Focused on Feedback. Provide commander with accurate and timely feedback and a written record of the results. Instructive. Teaches and trains units goals and standards and how to achieve them. e. Followed up/Corrective actions. Assist in development of corrective action plans and execute a follow-up action plan (re-inspection, phone call etc.) to check progress of the corrective action plan.
Basic Elements of Inspections
All inspections have one purpose provide feedback to commanders so they can make decisions that will improve the Army. The focus must remain on measuring compliance against established standards to ensure that the Army can function effectively in its combat role. Five elements are: Measure performance against a standard Determine the magnitude of the problem(s) Seek the root cause(s) of the problem(s) Determine a solution Assign responsibility to the appropriate individuals or agencies 2–3. Basic elements of an inspection All inspections have one purpose: to provide feedback to commanders so they can make decisions that will improve the Army. The focus must remain on measuring compliance against established standards to ensure that the Army—as a whole—can function effectively in its combat role. The five principles of Army inspections support the five basic elements of an inspection. Those five elements are as follows: a. Measure performance against a standard. Inspectors should first try to determine compliance against a standard. AR 1–201 • 25 February 2015 The inspector should prepare ways to determine why the unit or organization failed to meet the standard. The best method is to ask open-ended questions of the individuals involved in an effort to get at the real meaning behind the non-compliance. Avoid the strict use of checklists. If some form of checklist is necessary, then include follow-on questions that ask about the reasons behind the problem. A checklist will not help an inspector determine the root cause of a problem. (See the U.S. Army Inspector General School’s The Inspections Guide for a further discussion of inspection checklists.) b. Determine the magnitude of the problem(s). Focus on the high-payoff issues that affect the unit’s or organization’s readiness. Do not become mired in trivial issues such as poorly painted bumper numbers on tracked vehicles. Focus on issues that count and that truly affect the health and function of the organization. c. Seek the root cause(s) of the problem(s). Use the Root Cause Analysis Model discussed in The Inspections Guide to determine why the non-compliance exists. Seeking the root cause applies to all inspections and not simply inspections conducted by IGs. A battalion commander should seek root causes as well when conducting an initial command inspection (ICI) for a company. d. Determine a solution. Examine the root causes and use them to craft an effective and meaningful solution to the problem. Avoid short-term fixes. Instead, focus on achieving long-term and far-reaching solutions to the problems. e. Assign responsibility to the appropriate individuals or agencies. The commander must receive a copy of the report with the inspector’s findings and recommendations to task the appropriate individuals or agencies with fixing the problems. The inspector must name those individuals or agencies in each recommendation. Coordinate findings and recommendations with these persons or agencies before giving the report to the commander/State Adjutant General/program manager/director. Recommendations have meaning and effect only if the commander charges the right people with implementing them.
Problem Statement Identifies HOW to transform the CURRENT conditions to the DESIRED end state and accounts for the time and space relationships inherent in the problem Design Methodology Frame the operational environment CURRENT state DESIRED end state What is going on? Understand the current conditions of the operational environment. What should the environment look like? Visualize the desired conditions of the operational environment Develop the plan Using the military decision making process (MDMP): Receipt of Mission Mission Analysis Course of Action Development Course of Action Analysis Course of Action Comparison Course of Action Approval Orders Production Frame the problem What are the obstacles impeding progress toward the desired end state? SLIDE SHOW: STAFF ASSISTANCE VISITS (SAV) NOTE: Transition Slide Develop an operational approach What broad general actions will resolve the problem?
The Root Cause Analysis Model The Inspections Guide, Section 3-3
NON-COMPLIANCE DON’T KNOW CANNOT COMPLY WON’T COMPLY NEVER KNEW FORGOT TASK IMPLIED FEW RESOURCES DON’T KNOW HOW IMPOSSIBLE NO REWARD NO PENALTY DISAGREE SLIDE SHOW: ANALYSIS MODEL Seek the root cause(s) of the problem(s). Use the Root Cause Analysis Model discussed in The Inspections Guide to determine why the non-compliance exists. Seeking the root cause applies to all inspections and not simply inspections conducted by IGs. Ask the students which one is the worst? The Inspections Guide, Section 3-3
NOTE: Transition Slide As an HRSC Division you act as a ghost writer for the ASCC-G1 IOT maintain technical guidance throughout theater assets (SRC12) and internal (G1/S1 organizations) to enforce policy and regulation. Define responsibilities and expectations through MOIs and notify your subordinates through OPORDs and FRAGORDs
SAV Purpose and Use The SAV is a pulse check on HR systems within an HR organization Content is commander driven, reported information should focus on trends and issues that can be directly affected by the commander or unit Information reported may vary between units based on: type of unit, commander personality and input, mission requirements, and component The SAV is briefed by the inspecting unit to the subordinate HR organization. Subordinate leadership are required to attend SLIDE SHOW: PURPOSE AND USE
SAV Steps Commander or Staff Principal
Preparation for Staff Inspection Teach and Train visit (Directed/Requested) Establish Plan (Team, Training, Materials) When: six weeks, two weeks, tomorrow SHOW SLIDE: SAV STEPS
Format Format is commander-driven: formal briefing or “take-away” product Use format that will support your intent Multiple formats: PowerPoint Brief, Excel Spreadsheet, Word Document Narrative Bubble chart ratings (Red-Amber-Green) are subjective and should only be used in addition to hard numbers SLIDE SHOW: FORMAT Format is commander-driven: formal briefing or “take-away” product. Use format that will support your intent Multiple formats: PowerPoint Brief, Excel Spreadsheet, Word Document Narrative. Bubble chart ratings (Red-Amber-Green) are subjective and should only be used in addition to hard numbers
SAV Outbrief / Results Unit Leadership Overview of what happened
Developing an OIP: Commander Responsibilities
Designate an overall OIP coordinator, who develops the written OIP, including: Articulating the commander’s overall inspection guidance Assigning responsibilities for staff members and subordinate commanders Addressing relevant categories of inspections (command, staff, and IG) as they pertain to the command by frequency, focus, and so on Capturing all inspections that affect the command, prioritizing them, and eliminating redundancy or irrelevance Establishing the standards and scope for each type of inspection (general, special, and follow-up) SHOW SLIDE: DEVELOP AN OIP: COMMANDER RESPONSIBILITIES
Developing an OIP: Staff Responsibilities
Monitor functional areas in subordinate organizations Conduct staff inspections as directed Conduct SAVs as directed to teach and train units on goals and standards Design assistance visits to complement but not duplicate other inspection programs Apply the training execution model to plan inspections with adequate time for corrective actions and conduct follow-up inspections or activities Review previous inspection reports and results prior to developing new inspection plans (if available) Adhere to the Army inspection principles when performing inspection duties SLIDE SHOW: STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES
OIP: Commander’s Plan A Commander’s program and a command responsibility Comprehensive, written plan Identifies, prevents or eliminates problem areas Complements and reinforces other evaluations Minimizes the duplication of evaluations SLIDE SHOW: COMMANDER’S PLAN
Initial Command Inspection
Required for Company Commanders (or like commands such as detachments) within 90 days of assumption of command for the AC within 180 days of assumption of command for the RC Comprehensive inspection that identifies unit strengths and weaknesses Included on the training schedule and should be briefed at QTB Helps commanders establish goals, standards, and priorities…may be used to develop DA Form , OER Support Form The inspected commander must be present and participate in the inspection! SHOW SLIDE: COMMAND INSEPCTIONS REFERENCE: AR 1-201, para 3-3 Initial command inspections. A new company commander will receive an ICI from their rater. The initial command inspection for a company will occur within the first 90 days of assumption of command (180 days for ANG/AR unless called to AD). The ICI ensures that the new commander understands the unit’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to higher headquarters’ goals and all established standards. The ICI will not, however, evaluate the commander’s performance since assuming command. Initial command inspections might be completed for the following situations: CSSB – HR CO SPO – HROB SUST BDE – TG PAT/MMT TG PAT/MMT – Subordinates HR CO – subordinate PLTs This will assist in each senior command an opportunity to do an initial assessment of the subordinate organization and identify any faults/weaknesses within that organization.
Command Inspections “Mandatory” for organizations with companies
Ensure compliance with regulations/policies Commander must physically participate A scheduled, formal event Initial Command Inspection (ICI) Subsequent Command Inspection (SCI) SLIDE SHOW: COMMAND INSPECTIONS REFERENCE: AR 1-201, para 3-3 Command inspections. Command inspections ensure units comply with regulations and policies and allow commanders to hold leaders at all levels accountable for this compliance. In addition, command inspections help commanders identify systemic problems within their units or commands and assist in the recognition of emerging trends.
Staff Inspection Compliance-oriented
Focused on a single functional area or a few related areas Led by a staff member of a functional area Can complement command and IG inspections Conducted by a staff member technically qualified in the functional area SLIDE SHOW: STAFF INSPECTION REFERENECE: AR 1-201, para 3-4 Staff inspections provide the commander with specific, compliance-oriented feedback on functional areas or programs within the command. The commander directs staff principals and staff members to conduct staff inspections that can stand alone or that can complement ongoing command and IG inspections. Staff inspections are compliance oriented and focus on a single functional area or a few related areas. Examples of Staff inspections include— Training inspections. Command supply discipline inspections. Automated data processing inspections. Accountability inspections. Staff inspections might be completed by the following organizations: HRSC - HROB HROB - HR CO HRSC -TG PAT/MMT The PA/division of the HRSC is responsible for conducting SAVs on APODs and PAT teams. The HROB is responsible for conducting SAVs at APODS/PATs, CLTs, and APOs This type of support command relations inspection would allow the senior organization to identify weaknesses and assist in training subordinate HR support organizations.
Inspector General Inspection
Pursues systemic issues Identifies substandard performance, determines the magnitude of the deficiency, and seeks the reason for the deficiency (the root cause) Teaches systems processes and procedures Identifies responsibility for corrective actions Spreads innovative ideas SLIDE SHOW: INPSECTOR GENERAL INSPECTION REFERENCE: AR 1-201, para 3-6 Inspector general inspections focus principally on issues that are systemic in nature and that affect many units throughout the command. IG inspections examine and recommend solutions for problems that command and staff inspections cannot solve at the local level. IGs conduct inspections through all levels of full spectrum operations, and IGs use teaching and training to add to the effectiveness and positive impact of these inspections. Inspectors general are exposed to a wider range of units than most other inspectors. Inspectors general are trained to— (1) Identify substandard performance, determine the magnitude of the deficiency, and seek the reason (root cause) for the substandard performance or deficiency. (2) Identify systemic issues and refer them for resolution. (3) Teach systems, processes, and procedures. (4) Identify responsibility for corrective actions. (5) Identify and share innovative ideas and best practices. The Theater Sustainment Command is authorized an Inspector General on it’s staff. The TSC IG can inspect all HR organizations from the HR Company to the HRSC.
Summary General Purpose and Use for Inspections
Principles of Army Inspections Basic Elements of Inspections OIP Process and Responsibilities Command Inspection Staff Inspection IG Inspection SLIDE SHOW: BOTTOM LINE Good leaders inspect…inspections are a leadership tool Formal Informal Inspections done properly strengthen the chain of command Inspections help Commanders find “ground truth” Inspections help Commanders “calibrate” eyeballs of subordinates to the correct standard Teach your subordinates how to inspect…no one else will
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Establish an Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) Program Conditions: Given access to AR (Army Inspection Policy), the U.S. Army IG School Inspections Guide and awareness of our Operational Environment (OE). Standard: Students will meet the standard when they correctly: 1. Define the basic principles of Army inspections 2. Identify the principles of the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) 3. Determine how to utilize a SAV SLIDE SHOW: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Review TLO with students. NOTE: U.S. Army IG School Inspections Guide is posted on Brigade S-1 Operations SharePoint site. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT
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