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#65 The Conservative Tide

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1 #65 The Conservative Tide
Chapter 25 NOTES: OBJECTIVE: Understand major U.S. events of the 1980s

2 Conservative Coalition
The New Right The Moral Majority (led by Jerry Falwell) Absolute right & wrong, school prayer, family values, strong national defense. Revive patriotism, lower divorce rate & out-of-wedlock births. Political conservatives- Republicans

3 Ronald Reagan “Government is not the solution to our problem, Government is the problem” Actor, Governor of California. “Great Communicator” Smaller government, lower taxes, traditional values.

4 1980 Election Ronald Reagan vs. Jimmy Carter
A growing conservative mood sweeps across the U.S. Carter’s legacy of bad economy and Iran hostages helps Reagan. Reagan wins Low voter turnout.

5 Reaganomics Budget cuts on social service programs. Cuts food stamps, school lunches, student loans, and welfare benefits. Tax cuts for the upper class. Upper class will have more money to invest and be able to spend more. This money will eventually trickle down and help lower classes. Increased defense and military spending to defeat the Soviets. Trillions of dollars on the Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars”

6 Gorbachev 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union. He initiates two new reforms: Glasnost- allows for open criticism of the government and more freedom of the press. Perestroika- restructures the Soviet economy & government. Allows for private business and takes steps toward a democratic government.

7 Iran-Contra Affair “Contras”- freedom fighters in Nicaragua
Funded by U.S. in early 80’s; Congress restricts funds. U.S. Hostages held by pro-Iranians in Lebanon. Reagan promises to not negotiate with these “terrorists” The DEAL made without Congressional approval: To release hostages, U.S. sells 500+ missiles to Iran at inflated prices. Profits go to help Contras. President Reagan denies any wrongdoing. Members of Reagan’s administration are implicated and take the fall for him.

8 Operation Desert Storm
1991 military operation in which U.N. forces, led by the U.S., drove Iraqi invaders from Kuwait and protected Saudi Arabia.

9 Ch.25 Questions What factors led to Reagan’s victory in 1980?
What is Reaganomics? Do you agree with its principles? Why? How did Gorbachev change the Soviet Union? Why did the U.S. support these reforms? What effect did the Iran-Contra scandal have on Reagan’s presidency?

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