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Bellwork Which statement best summarizes the beliefs of Booker T. Washington? The best solution for African Americans was to return to Africa. Social equality.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Which statement best summarizes the beliefs of Booker T. Washington? The best solution for African Americans was to return to Africa. Social equality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Which statement best summarizes the beliefs of Booker T. Washington? The best solution for African Americans was to return to Africa. Social equality for African Americans would be easier to achieve than legal rights. The way to dissolve the barriers of segregation and bring about an end to Jim Crow laws was by active, violent resistance. The most immediate means for African Americans to achieve equality was to expand their opportunities for vocational education.

2 PD – Cowboy Songs (not homework)
1. Compare and contrast the two excerpts. Identify three ways they are similar and three ways they are different. 2. How would you describe life as a cowboy? Refer to each of the songs. 3. How does this depiction of cowboy life compare to what the public imagines today?

3 Analyzing Primary Sources
Step 1 Visit one of the eight stations around the room. Examine the sources on the placard there. Step 2 Discuss with your partner how this group of people might have been positively and negatively impacted by westward expansion. Step 3 In the speech bubbles for the face that represents this group, write how you think this group was both positively and negatively affected by westward expansion. Write each statement from the perspective of a member of this group, using words such as I, me, or my. See the example below. Step 4 Visit a new station, and repeat Steps 1 to 4.


5 Review – Rally Robin What Led to Western Expansion?
Louisiana Purchase (1803) Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804) Manifest Destiny: Belief that the U.S. should expand across the continent to the Pacific Ocean Establishment of Western trails (Oregon Trail) California Gold Rush Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848): gave the United States vast tracts of land

6 Frontier Settlements: 1870-1890

7 Land Use: 1880s

8 Review Stations

9 Settlers Homestead Act (1862)
Any adult who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. Claimants were required to “improve” the plot by building a dwelling and cultivating the land. After 5 years on the land, it was theirs. After the Civil War, Union soldiers could deduct the time they had served from the residency requirements.

10 African Americans Exoduster Movement - The large-scale black migration from the South to Kansas came to be known as the "Great Exodus," and those participating in it were called "exodusters."

11 Railroad Owners & Workers
Transcontinental Railroad

12 Populists Western farmers organized to use their numbers to effect politics and economics. (more next unit)

13 Miners

14 American Indians Assimilation (more next class)

15 Ranchers and Cowboys New Ag Tech Prairie fan – water pump Steel plow
Barbed wire




19 Exit Slip – Use Frontier Thesis Printout
What was the main idea of Frederick Turner’s Frontier Thesis? Explain why you agree or disagree with his view.

20 Frontier Thesis (1893) The famous paper Frederick Jackson Turner delivered at a meeting of the American Historical Association stated his thesis simply. The settlement of the West by white people was the central story of American history. The process of westward expansion had transformed a desolate and savage land into modern civilization. It had also continually renewed American ideas of democracy and individualism and had, therefore, shaped not just the West but the nation as a whole. With his announcement of the "closing" of the frontier, moreover, Turner implied that the nation would be forced to undergo a painful transition, from a perception of America as a land of endless boundaries, to one which required Americans to accept that their nation was finally a closed-space world, replete with the limitations inherent therein.

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