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Original Bulgarian Breakfast

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1 Original Bulgarian Breakfast
Yoghurt and Cake

2 Ingredients - Eggs – 4 - Yoghurt – 200g - Flour – 2 cups - Sugar – 1 cup - Oil – ½ cup - Vanilla – 1 packet - Cocoa – 1 spoon - Soda – 1 tea spoon - Baculber – 2 tea spoons - Powdered Sugar – 2 spoons

3 Recipe 1. Stir the sugar with the eggs in a bowl with a mixer. After that, add the yoghurt and soda to the mix and stir well. Add in the oil and vanilla and mix everything well.

4 2. Sift the flour and baculber , gently adding to the mix
2. Sift the flour and baculber , gently adding to the mix. Coat the cake shaper with oil and put the mix in it. You must leave 1 coffee cup from the mix in which you add the cocoa to colour it.

5 3. Bake the cake in a preheated oven on 180 degrees for around 40 minutes. When it’s ready, take it out of the oven and coat it with powdered sugar. You can eat it with a cup of yoghurt.

6 Made from: Hristiyana Deneva Class 7v No.25

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