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“If you really knew me” How stereotypes can separate us from each other and ways we can break down the barriers.

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Presentation on theme: "“If you really knew me” How stereotypes can separate us from each other and ways we can break down the barriers."— Presentation transcript:

1 “If you really knew me” How stereotypes can separate us from each other and ways we can break down the barriers.

2 What can you tell me about this person?

3 What can you tell me about this person?

4 What can you tell me about this person?

5 What can you tell me about this person?

6 What can you tell me about this person?

7 What can you tell me about these persons?

8 What can you tell me about this person?

9 What can you tell me about this person?

10 How can you tell these things about these people?

11 What is a stereotype? A stereotype is a common or popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Stereotypes are often standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions, most often untrue.

12 What are some examples of stereotypes?
Blondes are dumb Southerners are rednecks Muslims are terrorists White people can’t dance Republicans are racist Americans are fat Men like sports Women like to shop Black people are thugs Asians are smart Hispanics are illegal Kids are lazy

13 What are some examples of stereotypes?

14 Why are there stereotypes?
People are lazy People are scared

15 Prejudice prejudgment, an assumption made about someone or something before having adequate knowledge

16 Do not judge, or you too will be judged
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2

17 How do we challenge our stereotypes?


19 Here are some actions to consider to start changing your own behavior:
Be mindful of your own language and try to avoid using stereotypical remarks. When you meet someone new always wait and try to get to know them. Refuse in your own mind to jump to an opinion of them in a few seconds. Be open minded about difference - in clothes, character, beliefs, ability, accent etc. Speak out against jokes which are made against other people or groups of people (just being silent might send the message that you agree with them).

20 Here are some actions to consider to start changing your own behavior:
Be knowledgeable and provide accurate information to reject harmful myths and stereotypes with real facts. Take time to read about other cultures - and always be aware where that information is coming from and the bias it might have. Look at your group of friends. Are you all quite similar? You will become more open minded and able to deal with different people without prejudice, if you try to gain a wide range of different types of people as friends.

21 In the name of God, look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the controversial teachings of arrogance, divisions and hatreds which have badly infected our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; reunite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish Your purposes on earth; that, in Your good time, all nations and races may jointly serve You in justice, peace and harmony. - AMEN

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