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Chromosphere Filters Kathy Geise.

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1 Chromosphere Filters Kathy Geise

2 Fabry-Pérot Etalon/Interferometer
Sodium vapor lamp Fabry-Perot interferometer Sodium doublet Sodium D-lines are at and nm

3 Fabry-Pérot Etalon Light enters the etalon and undergoes multiple internal reflections. The transmission of an etalon is a function of wavelength A high finesse etalon has sharper peaks than a lower transmission etalon.

4 Resolvance Resolving sodium D-lines requires a resolvance of 1000.
Emission spectrum Resolving sodium D-lines requires a resolvance of 1000. Resolving hydrogen and deuterium requires a resolvance of 3300. Often done by a Fabry-Pérot interferometer because it is high resolution device.

5 Fabry-Pérot Interferometer
A picture of the solar corona taken with the LASCO C1 coronagraph, aboard the SOHO satellite, which employed a tunable Fabry-Pérot interferometer to recover scans of the solar corona at a near the FeXIV green line at nm. The picture is a color coded image of the doppler shift of the line, which may be associated with the coronal plasma velocity towards or away from the satellite camera.

6 The Solar Chromosphere
The chromosphere is about 8000 km thick. It is a transitional layer between the photosphere and the corona. Hydrogen alpha emission line is at nm. Calcium K line is at 393.3nm.

7 Anatomy of an HA filter system
An ERF or Energy Rejection Filter blocks unwanted UV and IR wavelengths. The Etalon passes the desired wavelength. A blocking filter further tunes the system.

8 Commercially available HA filter systems
DayStar Solar Spectrum Coronado, now Meade

9 Coronado Solar Filters Irvine, California
Balboa Island M.B.A UC Irvine Newport Beach

10 Credits The Sun imaged in the UV by TRACE

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