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Presentation on theme: "FIT FOR THE NEW WORLD OF DIGITAL WORK? Project Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

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2 Why do this project? Digitisation is changing all social and economic areas of life and has a great influence on work and employment. We chose to do this project because this region is very important to us: our countries are located geographically very close to one another and we are all a part of the Danube region. Our economies are also interlaced Our labour markets are also connected through the membership in the European Union, also with Serbia being a candidate country All people in the common region are faced with many challenges with regard to education, employment and prosperity which will take on a new dimension through digitisation and this new dimension must be shaped by the social partners

3 The main purpose of the project is to enhance existing cooperation between the social partners in Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia in order to develop a common approach for the upcoming challenges .

4 Who are the partners? Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB)
Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (CITUB) National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania (CNSLR-FRATIA) Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (CATUS) Trade Union Confederation Nezavisnost (TUC Nezavisnost ), Serbia Bulgarian Association for People Management (BAPM) The General Union of Romanian Industrialists (UGIR) Serbian Association of Employers (SAE)

5 Objectives raising awareness of the challenges through digitisation
working on common solutions exchanging knowledge (experts) evaluating branches most affected by digitisation establishing a common approach for future developments

6 Timeline: 2017 Identifying specific challenges in certain branches
2nd Half Year Case studies Seminars Conferences 1st Half Year 1st Project Steering Committee meeting Begin research on study Creation of experts‘ network Logo Project Folder Kick-Off Conference Identifying specific challenges in certain branches

7 Timeline: 2018 2nd Half year Project Steering Committee meeting Conference Experts‘ network meeting Seminar Study Information for distribution 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter Project Steering Committee meeting Conference Experts‘ network meeting Seminar Seminar Information for distribution Identifying specific challenges in certain branches and organising specific seminars

8 Timeline: 2019 2nd Half year Project Steering Committee meeting Closing conference Closing operations for the project 1st Half year Experts‘ network meeting Project Steering Committee meeting Conference Closing operations for this project, identifying necessary action for the future

9 We are open for any ideas that coincide with this project concept and look forward to your feedback. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us and visit our website

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