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grammar ı1 WEEK 4:Countable and Uncountable Nouns NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ © Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi

Work in paırs and write down the names of the food and drınks you can see on your notebooks. Can we count «banana»? Can we count «coffee»? NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Countable Nouns I eat an apple every day. I like apples. Apple is a countable noun. A countable noun can be: singular – apple. plural – apples. Every Day English An apple a day keeps the doctor away! NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Countable Nouns We can count countable nouns: one apple two apples three apples We add –s/-es to form the plural: egg eggs potato potatoes NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Uncountable Nouns I eat rice every day. I like rice. Rice is an uncountable noun. An uncountable noun can only be singular. We CANNOT count uncountable nouns. We CANNOT say one rice, two rices. Can you give other examples of uncountable nouns? NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Read the following text and underline the nouns that refer to food and drinks. Mark (C) next to the Countable Nouns and (U) next to the Uncountable Nouns. Let’s Go Shopping! John: What do we need to buy, David? David: We need some water. There is only one bottle of water left. John: Okay. Anything else? David: Oh, we need to buy eggs for the omelet, some potatoes and salt. John: Is there any tomato sauce? Is there any chicken? David: Yes, there is some tomato sauce, but there isn’t any chicken. John: So, we need to buy some chicken, too. Are there any tomatoes and carrots? David: There are some tomatoes but there aren’t any carrots. Would you like to have some pasta for dinner? John: Yes! Let’s buy a packet of spaghetti, too. SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Work in pairs and ask your partner what he/she needs to buy from the market. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

A/AN = one - singular countable nouns positive sentences negative sentences questions SOME - plural countable nouns - uncountable nouns - positive sentences ANY - countable and uncountable nouns - negative sentences - Countable and uncountable nouns - questions. There is a pear on the table. There isn’t a grape. Is there a bottle? There are some apples on the table. There isn’t any coffee in the cup. Is there any coffee? Yes, there is (some coffee). No, there isn’t (any coffee). There is an apple on the table. There isn’t an apple. There is some coffee in the cup. There aren’t any apples on the table. Are there any apples? Yes, there are. (some apples) No, there aren’t. (any apples) NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Write A/AN, SOME or ANY Is there ………. soup? There aren’t ……… sweets. There are …….. little cakes on the plate. Are there …….. eggs? I eat ………. orange every morning. There isn’t ……… meat. Is there ………. pasta? There are ………. bananas. There is ……… sauce. There is ……… bowl of yoghurt in the fridge. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

9 More Uncountable Nouns
Powdered/ granulated food Meat Liquids Materials Abstract Nouns Others salt chicken water wood advice money Look at the table above and add the words below to the correct categories: leather, rice, juice, flour, love, sugar, fish, cola, happiness, beef, lamb, silk, soda, furniture, metal, steel, coffee, wool, tea, peace, oil, honey, iron, plastic, information, hate, luggage, jewelry, pepper, cotton. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

10 A little with uncountable nouns A few with plural countable nouns
Look at the sentences and choose the correct words in bolds. We use a little / a few with uncountable nouns (a small amount): We use a little / a few with plural countable nouns (a small number): e.g. : Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a few cookies. e.g. : Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a little bread. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

11 Little with uncountable nouns Few with plural countable nouns
Negative meaning Little with uncountable nouns Few with plural countable nouns We use little with uncountable nouns, which means not much, almost nothing, or not enough. Example: There is little cheese in the fridge. I think we should buy some. We use few with plural countable nouns, which means not many, almost none, or not enough. Example: There were few cookies left after her birthday party. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Write a few, few, a little, little ın the gaps according to the defınıtıons on the rıght side. All she wanted was _______ moments on her own. some, a small number She had _______ moments on her own. not many/almost none/ not enough She saves _______ money every month. some, a small amount They had _______ money to spend. not much/almost nothing /not enough A: Have you got any money? B: Yes, _______. No, very _______. not much / almost nothing / not enough NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

13 Choose a little / little / a few / few
1. I have _______ water left. There’s enough to share. 2. I have _______ good friends. I’m not lonely. 3. He has _______ education. He can’t read or write, and he can hardly count. 4. There are _______ people she really trusts. It’s a bit sad. 5. We’ve got _______ time at the weekend. Would you like to meet? 6. Julie gave us _______ apples from her garden. Shall we share them? 7. She has _______ self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions about the food and drınk ın the frıdge using the following quantifiers: a, some, any, a few, few, a little, little. What is there in the fridge? Is there a …… ? Is there any ….? Are there any ….? NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Pair Work: One student ıs A, the other ıs B. A ıs a customer at a restaurant and B ıs the waıter. Order the food and drinks you want to have. Your partner is the waiter. Write a conversatıon ın your notebooks. Use a, an, some, any, a few, few, a little, little. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Group Work: 1.What is there on this breakfast table? Are the nouns that refer to food and drinks countable or uncountable? 2. Work in a group. Ask and answer questions about what you had for breakfast. Use the quantifiers you have learnt (some,any, a little etc.). NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

Group Work: You and your frıends are going to have a picnic this weekend, but firstly you need to do shopping. Each person wıll buy dıfferent thıngs. Decıde what each person wıll buy and tell the class. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

References files/few_a_few_little_a_little_exercise_1.pdf NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©


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