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Personal Data Sets Correlations.

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1 Personal Data Sets Correlations

2 Michael Nethercutt, 2017 Subjects = Students at ECU Sex Spirituality
Receptivity to Pseudo-Profound Bullshit Bullshit Receptivity and Politics

3 Correlations Sex Spirit PPBS 1 .168** .198** .005 .001 278 277
Sex Spirit PPBS 1 = Male 2 = Female Pearson Correlation 1 .168** .198** Sig. (2-tailed) .005 .001 N 278 277 Spirituality .545** .000 280

4 Statistics Sex Spirit PPBS Male Variance 1.977 .729 Skewness .122 .386 Kurtosis -.989 .074 Female 1.792 .776 -.196 -.181 -.930 -.223

5 Group Statistics Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Spirit Male 120 3.2437 Female 157 3.7127 PPBS 121 2.5484 .85359 156 2.9003 .88070

6 Independent Samples Test
t-test for Equality of Means t df Sig. (2- tailed) Cohen’s d Spirituality 2.827 275 .005 .34 PPBS 3.343 .001 .40 Notice that the p values are identical to what they were for the point biserial correlations.

7 Jennifer Hodgson, 2015 All participants reported experiencing a workplace injury. WORK STATUS (1 = in work; 2 = out of work). LOST TIME (number of days missed work since reported work-related injury)

8 From a Normal Population?
LostTime Working Mean 48.60 Median 5.00 Variance Std. Deviation Skewness 5.705 Kurtosis 35.890 Not 138.71 77.00 .524 -1.408


10 Erin Ezell, 2015 IntroQ data set
Gender of Student (1 = female, 2 = male) Eye Color (brown or not brown) Height of ideal mate (inches) Statophobia (11 point scale, 0 to 10)


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