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Objectives Determine preference between ground corn and wheat mill run

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Determine preference between ground corn and wheat mill run"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feed preference of sows (sus scrofa) between ground corn and wheat mill run

2 Objectives Determine preference between ground corn and wheat mill run
Use information to develop palatable feed

3 Materials Used Ground Corn Wheat mill run 6 oz Measuring cup
Hog panels Stopwatch 10 Yorkshire and Yorkshire cross sows

4 Ground Corn

5 Wheat Mill Run

6 Procedures

7 Test Area

8 Wilcoxian sign-rank test
Statistical analysis Wilcoxian sign-rank test Average time spent eating Initial choice Side preference Spearman rank test Correlation of initial choice and overall choice

9 Average choice of feedstuffs based on time
X=3, P>0.05

10 Initial choice of feedstuffs
Sign Test, X=2, P>0.05

11 Correlation between initial choice and average time spent eating
Correlation of 76.67% Correlation of 93.13%

12 Number of times sows chose feeds based on proximity to side of release
X=3, P>0.05

13 Confounding factors Motivation Feed presentation Hierarchy Health
Curiosity Boars On ground vs. in feeder Pellets vs. ground material

14 Test Area

15 Conclusions Sows have no preference for either ground corn or wheat mill run There was no correlation between initial choice and duration of eating that choice Side of release did not affect sows’ choices

16 Questions??? I DON’T CARE!!!!

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