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Nor Supp.Fig. S1 Raja et al. a b c d e f 1 2 Hyp - + Hyp - +

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Presentation on theme: "Nor Supp.Fig. S1 Raja et al. a b c d e f 1 2 Hyp - + Hyp - +"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nor + + - - - Supp.Fig. S1 Raja et al. a b c d e f 1 2 Hyp - + Hyp - +
OPN Hyp Time (hr) Actin MCF-7 b OPN/ DAPI Hyp Time (hr) 1 2 MCF-7 HIF1α HIF1β Actin Nor Hyp Coni OPNi β3i MCF-7 c Actin d β3-Integrin β3i C Coni OPN C Coni OPNi MDA-MB-231 e GAPDH (188 bp) OPN (400 bp) WT KO MEF 200 bp 400 bp 300 bp Actin HIF1α MCF-7 Hyp rhOPN (μM) f Supp.Fig. S1 Raja et al.

2 Supp.Fig. S2 Raja et al. a b c Akt 1 2 3 p-p65 p65 p-Akt 231 OPNshRNA
p-p65 p65 p-Akt 231 OPNshRNA Nor Hyp MDA-MB-231 b Actin HIF1α VEGF 231 OPNshRNA Nor Hyp MDA-MB-231 c Actin OPN OPNshRNA MDA-MB-231 Supp.Fig. S2 Raja et al.

3 Supp.Fig.S3 Raja et al. a b c * * Nor Hyp Hyp+ Coni Hyp + OPNi
T=0 h T=16 h Nor Hyp Hyp+ Coni Hyp + OPNi Hyp + β3 i Hyp +IgG Hyp +OPN Neu Ab MDA-MB-231 a % Wound Closure c MDA-MB-231 T=0 h T=16 h Hypoxia rhOPN (0.25 µM) OPN shRNA b * * Hyp rh OPN (0.25 µM) OPN shRNA Supp.Fig.S3 Raja et al.

4 Supp.Fig.S4 Raja et al. Nor T=0h T=16h Hyp OPN (0.5μM) - + + + -
Coni HIF1α i T=0h T=16h Nor Hyp MDA-MB-231 Supp.Fig.S4 Raja et al.

5 Supp.Fig.S5 Raja et al. a c b * ** Coni Coni OPNi β3 i MDA-MB-231 Nor
Hyp Migration c Nor Hyp Hyp+ Coni Hyp +OPNi Hyp+ β3 i MDA-MB-231 % Migration Nor Hyp Coni OPNi β3 i * ** b Invasion Supp.Fig.S5 Raja et al.

6 MCF-7 MCF-OPN-a HIF2α DAPI Hyp (16 h) Supp.Fig.S6 Raja et al.

7 Supplementary Table S1 Raja et al.
Correlation coefficient of OPN and HIF1α expression in human breast cancer Supplementary Table S1 Raja et al.

8 ** Correlation is significant at 0.01level (2 tailed)
Correlation coefficient of OPN, HIF1α and HIF2α expression in human breast cancer Spearman’s rho Correlation Coefficient Sig (2-tailed) HIF1α -OPN 0.613 P=0.005** HIF1α - HIF2α 0.181 P=0.458 OPN- HIF2α 0.337 P=0.158 N=19 ** Correlation is significant at 0.01level (2 tailed) Supplementary Table S2 Raja et al.

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