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TIIA and IVA in the FY19 ESSA Consolidated Grant Application

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Presentation on theme: "TIIA and IVA in the FY19 ESSA Consolidated Grant Application"— Presentation transcript:

1 TIIA and IVA in the FY19 ESSA Consolidated Grant Application
Deborah J. Walker May 30, 2018

2 Title IIA, Part A & Title IV, Part A
To provide districts with: An overview of Title IIA & TIVA priorities TIIA & TIVA Fund Use Equitable Participation of Private Schools FY19 Consolidated Workbook

3 Title II, Part A Priorities
The priorities of Title II, Part A (TIIA) are to: increase student achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards; improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students equitable access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders

4 A school district may use funds for
Title IIA Fund Use A school district may use funds for Training; Recruiting; and Retaining high-quality educators (teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and other school leaders). Funds must supplement, and not supplant, non-federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized under this subpart.

5 Bottom Line: TIIA is a grant for educators
TIIA Fund Use Bottom Line: TIIA is a grant for educators Teachers Administrators Paraprofessionals SISP’s: guidance counselors, nurses, psychologists, etc. TIIA funds can NOT be used For anything to be used in the classroom or By students

6 Common Uses for TIIA Funds
Mentoring programs (both educators and principals) Stipends to pay mentors and mentor coordinators High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) Stipends for district teams to plan/map/align curriculum Registration and travel to conferences Class Size Reduction (CSR) Substitutes (only for CSR teachers or for educators attending HQPD funded by TIIA)

7 FY19 Workbook: Title II, Part A Narrative

8 FY19 Workbook: Title IIA, Part A Narrative

9 FY19 Workbook: Title II, Part A Narrative

10 FY19 Workbook: Title II, Part A Narrative

11 FY19 Workbook: Title II, Part A Narrative

12 Title IV, Part A Priorities
The priorities of TIV, Part A are: Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education; Improve school conditions for learning to ensure safe and healthy students; and Improve the use of technology to improve academic achievement

13 Basic Requirements Districts receiving above $30,000 must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and must expend: At least 20% on supporting a well-rounded education At least 20% on supporting safe and healthy students And at least some amount on improving the use of technology Any district receiving less than $30,000 is not required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. District must assure funds will support SSAE priorities Are encouraged to complete a needs assessment (through “overlay”)

14 Well-Rounded Education
Funds can be used to increase access to and/or improve the quality of learning opportunities across disciplines, including: civic learning and engagement STEM the arts comprehensive health and physical education …and more. Activities may include but are not limited to hiring staff and providing professional development.

15 Safe and Healthy Learning Environments
Funds can support evidence-based programming and other services that help to create safe and healthy learning environments for all students. Activities may include but are not limited to implementing prevention and/or intervention programs providing school-based mental health services and counseling Activities may include but are not limited to hiring staff and providing professional development.

16 Effective Use of Technology
Funds may support access to technology resources and to train and support educators in their use. Activities may include but are not limited to: delivering specialized, rigorous curricula using technology; building technology infrastructure; carrying out blended learning projects; hiring staff; and providing professional development.

17 FY19 Workbook: Title IV, Part A Narrative

18 FY19 Workbook: Title IV, Part A Narrative

19 FY19 Workbook: Title IV, Part A Narrative

20 FY19 Workbook: Title IV, Part A Narrative

21 TIIA & TIVA: Equitable Participation of Private Schools
Must consult with all private schools located within district boundaries to determine their PD needs. Only deduction is program administration (TIIA - no % limit: TIVA – 2% limit)) Student enrollment based on all students in the private school, not just the students that live in the district Supplies/materials TIIA is not to purchase TIVA can purchase, but belong to the district Can’t flex TIIA funds Charter Schools and Voc Techs exempt from private school participation

22 FY19 Workbook: Private School Services

23 FY19 Workbook: Private School Services

24 FY19 Workbook: Private School Services

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