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Cardiovascular (CV) Safety and Severe Hypoglycemia Benefit of Insulin Degludec vs Insulin Glargine U100 in Older Patients (≥65 years) with Type 2 Diabetes.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular (CV) Safety and Severe Hypoglycemia Benefit of Insulin Degludec vs Insulin Glargine U100 in Older Patients (≥65 years) with Type 2 Diabetes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular (CV) Safety and Severe Hypoglycemia Benefit of Insulin Degludec vs Insulin Glargine U100 in Older Patients (≥65 years) with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D): Observations from DEVOTE Richard E. Pratley1, Scott S. Emerson2, Edward Franek3, Matthew P. Gilbert4, Steven P. Marso5, Darren K. McGuire6, Thomas R. Pieber7, Neil R. Poulter8, Charlotte T. Hansen9, Melissa V. Hansen9, Thomas Mark9, Alan C. Moses10, Bernard Zinman11, on behalf of the DEVOTE Study Group Pratley et al., ADA 2018 abstract Presented at “Ligue Marocaine de lutte contre le diabète”, international conference on Diabetes and Nutrition , Rabat 6-8 July 2018

2 DEVOTE: trial design Trial characteristics Randomized, double blinded, active controlled, Treat-to-target - Event driven Primary objective To confirm the cardiovascular safety of insulin degludec compared to that of insulin glargine U100 Secondary objective To assess the efficacy and safety of insulin degludec in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk of cardiovascular events Insulin degludec once daily (blinded vial) + Standard of care Follow-up period 7637 patients randomized IGlar U100 once daily (blinded vial) + Standard of care Follow-up period Randomization Interim analysis (150 MACE accrued) End of treatment (633 MACE accrued) 30 days Primary endpoint Time from randomization to first occurrence of a 3-point MACE: cardiovascular death*†, non-fatal myocardial infarction* or non-fatal stroke* Secondary endpoints Rate of severe hypoglycemic episodes*‡ Incidence of severe hypoglycemic episodes*‡ *Confirmed by the Event Adjudication Committee; †cardiovascular death includes undetermined cause of death; ‡severe defined as an episode requiring the assistance of another person to actively administer carbohydrate, glucagon, or take other corrective actions. BG concentrations may not be available during an event, but neurological recovery following the return of BG to normal is considered sufficient evidence that the event was induced by a low BG concentration BG, blood glucose; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular event Presented at “Ligue Marocaine de lutte contre le diabète”, international conference on Diabetes and Nutrition , Rabat 6-8 July 2018

3 Subgroup analyses of time to first 3-point MACE
Factor N % Hazard ratio [95% CI] Insulin degludec IGlar U100 p-value for interaction Primary analysis 7637 100.0 0.91 [0.78; 1.06] 325 8.5 356 9.3 Sex 0.0989 Women 2859 37.4 0.76 [0.59; 0.99] 99 7.0 131 9.1 Men 4778 62.5 0.99 [0.83; 1.20] 226 9.4 225 9.5 Age at baseline 0.3570 <65 years 3682 48.2 0.84 [0.67; 1.05] 140 7.6 167 9.0 ≥65 years 3955 51.7 0.97 [0.79; 1.19] 185 189 9.6 BMI 0.8335 <30 kg/m2 2499 32.7 0.93 [0.71; 1.21] 107 8.4 111 ≥30 kg/m2 5127 67.1 0.90 [0.75; 1.08] 217 8.6 245 Renal function* 0.5785 Normal 1486 19.4 0.73 [0.50; 1.08] 44 6.0 61 8.2 Mild impairment 3118 40.8 0.97 [0.76; 1.24] 132 8.3 129 Moderate impairment 2704 35.4 0.96 [0.75; 1.21] 130 9.8 141 10.2 Severe impairment 214 2.8 0.76 [0.39; 1.50] 15 13.9 19 17.9 1.0 Hazard ratio [95% CI] Favors insulin degludec Favors IGlar U100 *As per CKD-EPI, CKD-EPI, chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration equation Presented at “Ligue Marocaine de lutte contre le diabète”, international conference on Diabetes and Nutrition , Rabat 6-8 July 2018

4 Older patients subgroup analysis : hypoglycemia risk & CV Safety
Older patients had a higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), all-cause mortality and severe hypoglycemia, regardless of treatment. Degludec was associated with a lower risk of severe hypoglycemia vs glargine U100, regardless of age Pratley et al., ADA 2018 abstract Presented at “Ligue Marocaine de lutte contre le diabète”, international conference on Diabetes and Nutrition , Rabat 6-8 July 2018

5 Summary Treatment differences for MACE, all-cause mortality and severe hypoglycemia were similar across age groups, with no significant interactions between treatment and age group. Degludec was associated with a lower risk of severe hypoglycemia vs glargine U100, regardless of age This analysis supported the CV safety of Degludec and demonstrated a lower risk of severe hypoglycemia vs glargine U100 in older patients with T2D Pratley et al., ADA 2018 abstract Presented at “Ligue Marocaine de lutte contre le diabète”, international conference on Diabetes and Nutrition , Rabat 6-8 July 2018

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