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Biodiversity SNC1P1 Findlay.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity SNC1P1 Findlay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity SNC1P1 Findlay

2 What’s out there? ~ 1.5 million species have been studied
Scientists estimate the total number of living species to be more than 5 million…maybe even as high as 50 million

3 Biodiversity The variety of life
Measured by counting the number of different species in an area

4 Where do you think there is greater biodiversity…
Near the equator? Or near the poles?

5 Near the equator! - Abiotic factors such as higher temperatures and greater amounts of rainfall Why?

6 Why is biodiversity important?
Ecosystems with high rates of biodiversity are better able to remain stable and healthy when disturbed. Ecosystems with high rates of biodiversity are better able to remain stable and healthy when disturbed.

7 Benefits of Biodiversity
More diversity = more stability Better able to withstand disease, droughts, or the arrival of new species Less diverse = more fragile

8 Biodiversity under Attack!
Extinction is a natural process, but human activities have greatly increased the rate of extinction

9 13 species have become extinct in Canada as of 2009
A species that has died out and no longer exists on Earth 13 species have become extinct in Canada as of 2009 Great Auk

10 Passenger Pigeon Sea mink

11 At-Risk Species Extirpated Endangered Threatened Special concern
All levels have ecological consequences

12 23 species in Canada fall under this category
Extirpated No longer exists in the wild in a specific area 23 species in Canada fall under this category

13 238 species in Canada are classified as endangered!!
A species facing immediate danger of extirpation or extinction. Swift Fox 238 species in Canada are classified as endangered!!

14 146 species in Canada are threatened.
A species that is likely to become endangered if current trends and conditions continue 146 species in Canada are threatened. Humpback Whale

15 157 species in Canada are classified as ‘Special Concern’
A species that may become threatened or endangered because of a combination of factors. 157 species in Canada are classified as ‘Special Concern’

16 Threats to Biodiversity
Human Actions

17 Habitat Loss Destroying natural ecosystems by turning them into farm land and urban developments

18 Invasive Species Species that are living in an area where they do not naturally exist Usually fail because of the totally new environment But if successful, new ecosystem lacks population controls (predators, disease)

19 Invasive Species Non-native species whose intentional or accidental introduction negatively impacts the environment

20 Impacts of Invasive Species
Compete with or feed on native species Alter food chains and food webs Damage ecosystems Can be dangerous to our health Expensive to control or get rid of

21 Pollution Acid Rain Caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
Produced in industry and from burning fossil fuels Combine with water vapour in atmosphere to form acids

22 Acid Rain Affects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems Human health

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