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LS.6 Ecosystems The student will investigate and understand that organisms within an ecosystem are dependent on one another and on nonliving components.

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Presentation on theme: "LS.6 Ecosystems The student will investigate and understand that organisms within an ecosystem are dependent on one another and on nonliving components."— Presentation transcript:

1 LS.6 Ecosystems The student will investigate and understand that organisms within an ecosystem are dependent on one another and on nonliving components of the environment.

2 Snapshot A _____ is an organisms role in its community.
An ecosystem is made up of all of the _______ and ________ in an environment. A _______ is all of the organisms of the same species in an area. All organisms need __________ to survive.

3 Ecosystems All of the living and nonliving things in an area.
Organisms depend on it for all needs (food, water, shelter, energy, space, & gases). Made up of many cycles Ecology Study of how organisms interact with each other and their nonliving environment

4 Energy in an Ecosystem All organisms need energy to survive.
2 ways to obtain energy Make your own = Producers Photosynthesis or chemosynthesis Ex. Green plants Eat other organisms = Consumers -Vore = eater ( types of consumers end in this suffix)

5 4 Types of Consumers Herbivores = plant eaters
Ex. Rabbits, deer Omnivores = plant & animal eaters Ex. Pigs, humans Carnivores = animal/ meat eaters Ex. Frogs, lions Detrivores or Decomposers = eat waste or dead organisms Recycle Ex. Earthworms, fungi

6 Predator vs. Prey Predator- consumer that hunts for other consumers for food Prey- consumer that is eaten Ex. Cat and mouse

7 Trophs Autotrophs = producers Heterotrophs = consumers
Organisms that make their own food Heterotrophs = consumers Organisms that cannot make their own food

8 Food Chain Show eating relationships of organisms
Show direction of energy travel/ flow Ex. Grass  cow  human Producer,  herbivore omnivore Food web- shows all possible food chains in an ecosystem

9 Energy Pyramids Shows amount of energy available on each feeding level in an ecosystem Organisms use energy from food that they eat for life processes Only ~ 10% is available to go to next level Amount of energy available decreases as you move up the energy pyramid.

10 Energy Pyramid Least Carnivores Herbivores Producers Most


12 Food Web

13 Snapshot _____ shows the energy that is available on each feeding level in an ecosystem. ____ show 2 or more over-lapping food chains. _____ are consumers that eat dead matter. _____ mainly eat meats for energy.


15 Parts of an Ecosystem Biotic = living factors (things in an ecosystem)
Things that were alive or that are alive Ex. Plants, animals Abiotic= nonliving factors Ex. Water, air, soil, temperature, sunlight, climate Decide what organisms can live there


17 Snapshot _____ are at the base of every energy pyramid.
____ should be at the end of a food chain. ____ consume both plants and animals. (give three different names) _____ eat only plants. (give three different names).

18 Types of Relationships
Symbiosis (Symbiotic Relationships) Two or more organisms interacting together One or both benefit 3 Types Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

19 Mutualism Both organisms benefit It’s mutual!
Ex. fungus and cyanobacteria Algae provides energy for both Fungus provides home Both benefit

20 Commensalism One organism benefits
Other organism is not helped or harmed Want some leftovers? Ex. bird living in hole in tree Bird has a home Tree is not helped or hurt

21 Parasitism One organism (parasite) benefits
Other organism (host) is harmed Ex. 1 Tick & Dog Tick benefits from dog’s blood Dog can become sick & weak Ex. 2 tapeworm & human

22 Competition Organisms fight for same resources Food Mates Habitat
Ex. Tigers & lions both eat wildebeest

23 Snapshot _____ is when organisms work together to gain resources.
_____ is when organisms fight over resources. ______ is when organisms interact in a community and one or more benefit. A lichen is an example of _________. _____ shows the energy that is available on each feeding level in an ecosystem. ____ show 2 or more over-lapping food chains. _____ are consumers that eat dead matter. _____ mainly eat meats for energy.

24 2.___________________________
1.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________

25 Cycles in Nature Earth contains fixed (nonchanging) amount of : Water
Carbon Nitrogen These cycle through and are reused in the environment

26 Water Cycle How water moves back & forth from surface of Earth to atmosphere 4 main steps Evaporation- liquid to gas Transpiration- water vapor from plants & animals Condensation-gas to liquid in clouds Precipitation


28 Carbon cycle Shows how carbon (C ) moves between the living & nonliving world. Carbon is in molecules that make up organisms Absorbed by Producers get CO2 from air during photosynthesis Released by Respiration Burning fossil fuels (gas, coal) When dead organisms decay

29 Nitrogen Cycle Transferring nitrogen from atmosphere, to soil, to organisms, & back Nitrogen used in making proteins Transformed by lightning or bacteria in dirt Nitrogen fixation Plants use to make cells

30 Then comes down as precipitation, yes it does!
Water Cycle By Lori-Ann Phelan Sang to the tune of She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain Water travels in a cycle, yes it does (use pointer finger to make a big circle) Water travels in a cycle, yes it does (repeat finger circle) It goes up as evaporation (moves hands up to the sky) Forms clouds as condensation (make a cloud overhead with arms) Then comes down as precipitation, yes it does!

31 2.___________________________
1.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________

32 Snapshot During thunderstorms, what can change nitrogen gas into compounds that organisms can use? Rain Clouds Lightning What lives on plant roots that can form nitrogen compounds that organisms need to live? Fungus Algae Bacteria Viruses

33 Types of Ecosystems 2 Main Types Terrestrial = land Aquatic = water

34 Terrestrial Ecosystems
Deserts Forests Grasslands Called biomes 29.2 % of earth covered by land Support less life than aquatic

35 Aquatic Ecosystems 70.8 % of earth Marine = Saltwater Freshwater
Oceans, seas, lakes 97% of water on earth Freshwater Groundwater, lakes, rivers, ponds, glaciers 3% of water on earth

36 Salty & Fresh Estuary Place where saltwater and freshwater meet
Home to many species Ex. Chesapeake Bay One of largest estuaries Freshwater rivers meet with the Atlantic Ocean

37 Snapshot Which of the following is an example of a freshwater ecosystem? Wetland Estuary Coral reef Deep ocean Which of the following is an example of a saltwater ecosystem? Pond River Stream estuary

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