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Warm Up #11 What happens during ecological succession?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up #11 What happens during ecological succession?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up #11 What happens during ecological succession?

2 Ch. 5 Biomes and Ecosystems
Lesson 3: How Ecosystems Change

3 Essential Questions How do land ecosystems change over time?
How do aquatic ecosystems change over time?

4 How Do Communities Change? ACTIVITY
An ecosystem can change over time. Change usually happens so gradually that you might not notice differences from day to day. Look at community A and community B. What do you think community A might look like midway in its change to becoming like community B.

5 Warm Up #12 What’s the difference between primary and secondary succession?

6 How Land Ecosystems Change
Ecological succession – the process of 1 ecological community gradually changing into another Occurs in a predicted series of steps Ex. Small plants grow before big plants Climate community – a stable community that no longer goes through major ecological changes

7 How Land Ecosystems Change
Primary succession – ecological succession in new areas of land with little or no soil Pioneer species – the 1st species that colonize new or undisturbed land Secondary succession – areas where ecosystems have been disturbed or destroyed

8 Primary Succession

9 Secondary Succession

10 How Freshwater Ecosystems Change
Aquatic succession – freshwater ecosystems change over time in a natural predictable process Eutrophication – the process of a body of water becoming nutrient-rich

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