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Art Criticism.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Criticism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Criticism

2 Definition A systematic approach to studing a work of art

3 1. Description Describe the work of art. Subject? Medium? Product?

4 2. Analysis How is the work organized? Balance Focal Point Space

5 3. Interpretation What is the message the artist is trying to communicate? Content Feeling

6 4. Judgment Is it a good piece of art? WHY?

7 Alexei Butirskiy - Chance Meeting

8 Edward Hopper - Nighthawks

9 Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party

10 Albrecht Dürer - Three Men of the Apocalypse

11 Jackson Polluck - Autumn Rhythm

12 M.C. Escher - Two Hands

13 Diego Rivera - Festival de las Flores

14 Mary Cassatt - On a Balcony during a Carnival

15 Alexei Butirskiy - Serenity

16 Joan Miró - Portrait of Juanita Obrador






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