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The Museum Experience: 博物馆体验 Programs for School Audiences 学校受众的活动

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1 The Museum Experience: 博物馆体验 Programs for School Audiences 学校受众的活动
Schools have been an important audience for museums in the U.S. since their earliest founding. Field trips have long been a part of students’ experience – sometimes it is a child’s first and only introduction to museums. Student attendance often makes up a large percentage of attendance to a museum. For example, at the High Museum, students made up about 20% of annual attendance. In the past few decades, however, a growing emphasis on standardized testing in U.S. schools has made it difficult for teachers to justify “time away from instruction” for museum field trips. To support teachers who wish to use the museum as resource, education departments have developed strategies to connect the museum experience to the classroom through a “curriculum-based” approach to developing school programs. In other words, positioning the field trip to support the curriculum. This afternoon, I am going to share an overview of the kinds of programs that museums provide for schools. Your museum may be offering many of the same kinds of programs and I look forward to hearing more about how you work with schools. Patricia Cain Rodewald

2 Common Components in Museum School Programs 博物馆学校活动中的常见内容
Strategic Alliances with School Districts 与学区的战略联盟 Professional Learning Programs for Teachers 教师的专业学习计划 Classroom Resources 课堂资源 Student Tours 学生参观 After-school Programs 课后计划 This list of components are common in school program in most museums across the U.S. The foundation of building school programs in museums is a strong relationship with school districts. We want to develop programs with our educational colleagues, not for them, in order to be relevant. In order to know and understand the needs of teachers, we need ongoing dialogue with them. 2. Professional Learning programs for teachers supports their use of museum resources in their teaching. Most U.S. teachers are not trained to use museums in their teaching in their undergraduate coursework. So, museums provide in-service teaching as part of continuing education for teachers. 3. Museums have the expertise to develop classroom materials to help teachers incorporate object-centered learning into their classroom. 4. Student tours – this is the core of our work with schools. The tour is where students experience and learn from objects directly. 5. With large numbers of parents working, many schools offer afterschool programs for their students. Museums can provide resources for student enrichment, either at the school or by bringing students to the museum afterschool. Let’s spend a little time looking at each of these topics within school programs.

3 Alliances with School Districts 与学区的联盟
Relationship building with key personnel 与关键人员建立关系 Hosting meetings 承办会议 Communication: s, newsletters, web site 沟通:电邮,报纸,网站 Program partnerships 活动合作伙伴 A close working relationship with school districts is key for successful school programs in the U.S. There are a range of ways these alliances can be formed and supported: First, establishing and maintaining relationships with key decision makers in the districts Curriculum supervisors in art, social studies, and languages are especially important Regular meetings to discuss initiatives within the district and how the museum can support Offer to host District meetings at the Museum: Museums have wonderful facilities Opportunity for museum to introduce teachers to the collections and promote their programs. Invite key leaders to sit on an educators advisory committee: They can provide feedback on your program ideas Help spread the word about your programs to the district leadership Communicate regularly with teachers to promote your programs: Many museums produce a brochure listing their programs for schools for the year, which can be printed and mailed and posted online. Gather teachers s and send them regular updates on programs that you offer Create a section of your web site for teachers where you list courses, online resources, and tour information. Program Partnerships: Identify opportunities to collaborate on program development. For example….

4 Professional Learning for Teachers 给教师们的专业培训
Programs: Summer Teacher Institutes Workshops Evenings for Educators Partner with State Department of Education: Offer continuing education credit 活动: 暑期教师机构 工作坊 教育者晚间培训 与国家教育部合作: 提供持续的教育学分 Professional Learning, or teacher training, is a standard offering for museums. These programs are typically offered in several formats: Summer Teacher Institutes Workshops Evenings for Educators Museums sometimes partner with the State Department of Education to offer continuing education credit for these programs, especially the Institutes and some workshops. Many states have a process for the museum to submit information about the program before it is offered and then a certain amount of credit is offered Paperwork must be submitted after teachers attend the program to receive their credit.

5 Summer Teacher Institutes 暑期教师机构
Summer is traditional time for teacher training 通常暑期是教师培训的时间 Focus on using exhibitions or collections for teaching 着重与在教导中融入展览或收藏 20 – 40 hours 20-40 个小时 Program offers keynote lectures and break-out workshops 活动提供主题演讲和突破工作坊 Teachers prepare lesson plans 教师们准备备课 Let’s look at the Summer Teacher Institutes: Summer is the traditional time for teachers to receive ongoing training. Often the week after school is out, or the week before school starts. These courses can train teachers on an upcoming exhibition or a part of the museums collection that is useful for specific curriculum. In the U.S., some museums focus on their temporary exhibitions to drive attendance to the museum. These exhibitions are often on view for 3 or 4 months during the school year. Museums also invest in developing programs for students around their permanent collection. This can be cost-effective, as the objects are available on a long-term basis and the programs have a longer “shelf life.” Institutes are typically 20 – 40 hours of instruction time. The schedule is structured to offer keynote lectures on the themes of the course for all attendees. These keynote talks are often given by content experts, such as museum curators or university faculty. Then the group breaks into smaller break-out workshops around the area that they teach. For example, middle school or high school art, or a foreign language, or general elementary classroom. This way, they can focus on how the exhibition or collection relates to the specific curriculum they teach. These workshops might be offered by museum educators or classroom teachers who have mastered using the museum in their teaching. The Institutes often require teachers to prepare a lesson plan to incorporate the exhibition or collection into their teaching. These lesson plans are often required for them to receive continuing education credit. The museum education team can select the best examples and post them online so that other teachers can use them or adapt them for their needs.

6 Teacher Workshops 教师工作坊
Usually 2 – 4 hours 一般2-4个小时 Afterschool or weekends 课后或周末 More focused introduction to an exhibition or collection 重点介绍展览或收藏 May target a specific group of teachers 可能针对特定的教师群 Teacher workshops are usually offered after school or on the weekends. They are typically a single session and include: A lecture or gallery talk A tour of the collection or exhibition An opportunity for a hands-on activity They often target a specific grade level or subject area

7 Evenings for Educators 教育者晚间活动
Preview exhibition or collection 预览展览或收藏 Free ticket 免票 Public Education staff promote what they offer and meet teachers 公共教育员工推广他们的服务 并认识教师们 Message that museum values teachers 给人博物馆重视教师的印象 Evenings for Educators are a kind of open house for teachers at the museum. The goal is to reach a large number of teachers in one event. They typically include: Tours of the collection or exhibition Informational tables where teachers can collect materials about what the museum offers and perhaps meet some of the public education staff Refreshments

8 Classroom Materials 课堂教材
Online or printed 网上的或打印出来的 Images of works of art 艺术品的图片 Information about artists and works of art 关于艺术家和艺术品的信息 Ideas for activities in the classroom 课堂活动的思路 Books and Websites 书籍与网站 Classroom materials provide resources for teachers to use in the classroom before or after a museum visit. They can be printed, but more often they are provided online at the Museum’s web site. These materials include: Images of objects from the museum Information about an exhibition, artists, and objects Additional resources for the teacher – books or web sites Activity ideas for students

9 Student Tours 学生参观 Most schools have access to buses to bring students to the museum for tours. Students can also take public transportation such as the subway or public buses.

10 Audio Guided Tours 音频导游
Scripts written by staff 由工作人员编写的脚本 Often work with audio tour production company 经常与音频导游制作公司合作 Allows large number of students on tours 允许大批学生的参观游览 Audio guided tours can be developed for younger students. High school students can use the “adult” version of the audio tour that is created for the general public. Audio guides are most efficient for large exhibitions and large numbers of students. Public Education staff work with an audio production company. However, with technology changing quickly and new mobile platforms. Museums can now produce their own audio guides more easily.

11 Docent Guided Tours 导游讲解团
Trained volunteers 培训过的志愿者 10 – 15 students per docent 每个团有10-15个学生 Allows for activities in gallery 允许在画廊里做活动 Many U.S. museums use trained volunteers, or docents, to give their student tours. Training is usually a year-long process Docents usually have 10 – 15 students in their group These smaller groups allow for discussion and activities in the gallery

12 Tours with Workshops 工作坊参观
Hands-on studio projects 动手工作室项目 Explore techniques and materials 探索技术和材料 Extends student learning 扩张学生的学习体验 Some tours are combined with a workshop Allows students to experience materials and techniques Enhances the learning experience to be both “minds-on” and “hands-on”

13 Tours with a Performance 表演团
Theatrical performance related to the collection or an exhibition 与某个展览或收藏有关的 喜剧表演 Partner with a theater company 与剧院公司合作 Extends student learning 扩张学生的学习体验 Theater is another art form that can enhance a student’s visit to the museum Provides an additional way of telling the story of an artist or objects in the collection Public Education staff partner with a theater group to develop a performance that complements the gallery tour Engages the student with the museum in new ways. For example, for an exhibition of the Mexican artists Friday Kahlo and Diego Rivera, Students join Frida Kahlo on a dream-like journey through her and Diego Rivera's life story. Puppets, interactive puzzles, and projected images help students gain a greater understanding of the history, influences, and passions of these two great Mexican artists.

14 Afterschool Programs 课余活动
Partner with schools 与学校合作 Multiple sessions 多个班级 Gallery and studio activities 画廊和工作室活动 Museums can also support schools’ afterschool programs. Museums often partner with schools or youth organizations that provide afterschool care The students can visit the museum multiple times, for example over several weeks. Develop a deep familiarity with the museum Learning can be more in-depth The experience includes both time in the galleries looking and talking about objects and hands-on studio projects.

15 Resources Needed 资源需求 Public Education Staff 公共教育员工 Classrooms 课室
School programs need dedicated staff in Public Education who are responsible for: Establishing and maintaining relationships with educators Developing and producing tours and classroom materials Developing and implementing teacher training programs Programs for students and teachers also require designated spaces within the museums: For example, classrooms for workshop

16 Education Center 教育中心 Workshops 工作坊 Gallery Space 画廊空间
Lecture/Conference Room 讲座/会议室 Teacher Resource Center 教师资源中心 Staff offices 员工办公室 Restrooms 洗手间 Café nearby 附近有咖啡厅 Many U.S. museums include an Education Center with spaces serving various needs: Workshops for student activities and teacher training A lecture room for training docents or teacher training A gallery area to display student work A volunteer lounge for docents A resource center that serves as a classroom and media center for staff, volunteers, teachers who teach with objects.

17 Thank You! 谢谢!

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