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American Revolution? From the Left or From the Right.

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Presentation on theme: "American Revolution? From the Left or From the Right."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Revolution? From the Left or From the Right

2 The Left: Occupy – Revolution in the Western World?

3 Occupy Wall Street Is this something new? Trust busting
What would Karl Marx say? “We are the 99%” 1% holds 20% of the wealth (Gini Index) Leaderless Movement NOT Like the 60s!

4 OWS is Against The Excesses of Capitalism
More & better jobs More equal distribution of income Reduce salaries for CEOs & Bankers Reduce the influence of corporations – financial firms in particular Bailouts for students and mortgage holders

5 Police Responses to NonViolence

6 The Right: The Alt-Right
Charlottesville Virginia 2017: “Some were very fine people”

7 Who are they? Mostly 20/30 something white men Alt-right vs. Alt-Light

8 What do they believe? It is not about the economy!
Distrust conventional media Social dominance orientation Victimhood mentality Anti globalist Dedicated to exposing Jewish-Zionist power See groups like Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks & feminists as less human

9 “I think the right is absolutely ready to revolt; Hail Victory
“I think the right is absolutely ready to revolt; Hail Victory!” (Sieg heil)

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