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Asia Pacific Metrology Programme

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1 Asia Pacific Metrology Programme
APMP Chair’s Report September 2014 Dr Peter Fisk APMP Chair

2 Personnel Planned Executive Committee for 2015: New EC Member

3 General Updates Personnel
1 EC Member completing service term GA 2014 Recommended extension of service term for 1 EC member and APMP Chair 1 new EC nomination Yukinobu Miki’s term is coming to an end at GA2014. The EC has recommended the extension by 1 year of Tim Armstrong’s service term (to assist with transfer of Treasurer to GA2015 and the extension of Peter Fisk’s term (in the interests of fluency) to GA2016. Dr Toshi Takatsuji has been nominated for the position of EC member (vote at GA 2014)

4 General Updates Personnel
Lead TC Chair’s term finishing 7 TC ‘Chairs-Elect’ to be elected at GA2014: TCAUV, TCEM, TCM, TCPR, TCQM, TCQS and TCT 2 new TC Chairs starting GA2014: TCL and TCTF Note: New Lead TC Chair needs to be elected. Internal process among TC Chairs. New TC Chairs are: TCL – Chu-Shik Kang (KRISS) and TCTF – Michael Wouters, NMIA. Be aware that DEC Chair’s servic term ends GA 2015.

5 General Updates Membership
New Membership approved via postal vote: National Metrology Center, Cambodia New Associate Membership application: Standards and Testing Division (STD), ITDI, Philippines Received new Associate Membership application from the Standards and Testing Division, Industrial Technology Development Institute, under the Department of Science and Technology (ITDI-DOST). STD is a newly Designated Institute for Metrology in Chemistry and is listed on the BIPM website as a DI (since January 2014).

6 General Updates Membership
Ongoing membership application: Measurement Standards Division, Brunei Darussalam Membership queries received from: - Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radiasi (PTKMR-BATAN), Indonesia - Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (COSQC), Iraq Future DI for ionizing radiation in Indonesia, PTKMR-BATAN requested information on applying for membership.

7 General Updates Membership
Full member economies: 24 (40 institutes) Associate member economies: 7

8 Highlights of APMP Activities 2014 APMP Midyear Meetings, Indonesia
Symposium “Metrology and the Global Energy Challenge” Technical Workshop for Calibration Personnel “Metrology: Enabling developing economies within Asia" (MEDEA) Project Workshop (30 May – 01 June) 4th NMI Directors’ Workshop – report provided to the EC on this workshop. Discussion during EC52 on the topic for the 5th NMI Directors’ Workshop, GA2014 in Korea.

9 Highlights of APMP Activities 2014 APMP Midyear Meetings, Indonesia
Key Outcomes: Proposed extension of Chair’s term and 1 EC member’s term Strategic Planning discussions between EC and TC Chairs Next steps identified for implementation of the MEDEA Project ( ) EC endorsement of strategic paper Subsequently circulated to TC Chairs and member economies

10 Highlights of APMP Activities Strategic Paper and responses
APMP Strategic Paper developed by the EC in consultation with TC Chairs Between 1-3 working groups led by member economies to be formed to plan and coordinate APMP’s work key priority areas of Asia-Pacific region 5th NMI Directors’ Workshop – invited a facilitator – to identify priority issues for the Asia Pacific region Funding for identified activities via TCI/DEC projects Proposal to GA: TCI/DEC budgets to be increased by ~50% for 2015 Note: We are open to any further comments, feedback, inputs as this is a working document which is still taking shape. This si to serve the needs of our APMP members and the region.

11 Highlights of APMP Activities Activities for 2014
Joint APLAC-APMP PT WG - progress made (in Taipei, 2013): Development of Terms of Reference Decision on composition of the WG Provisional Work Plan for 2014/2015 Meeting on 21 September, Daejeon MEDEA workshop held from 30 May – 01 June in Tangerang, Indonesia where the next steps for the project were identified. I am sure Dr Mego will provide an update on the recent developments from this project. APMP-APLAC meeting on 21 Septemebr – will seek an update from Dr Euijin Hwang (TCQM Chair) and report on this at GA We will also be holding the annual APLAC-APMP Chairs meeting on 23 September in Daejeon.

12 Highlights of APMP Activities Activities for 2014
Participation in APEC Food Allergen Project (APEC Project CTI 34/2013A) - Food Allergen Workshop, May 2014, Health Canada Aim to hold similar event in 2015 NMIA had a representative participating in the recently held APEC Food Allergen Workshop (5 days) – in Canada. Early indications are that APEC’s inclusion in the Food Allergen Workshop was positive and there is talk that perhaps a similar sort of event will be held again next year.

13 Engagement with Stakeholders APEC
Specialist Regional Bodies – meetings in Sydney, 12 December 2013 and 6 February 2014 APEC SCSC and SRB Forum – February 2014, Ningbo, China 4 of the 5 SRBs have their secretariats based in Australia at the moment. Took the opportunity to get together in Sydney (6 February) before the SRB Forum meeting and APEC SCSC in Ningbo, China. The primary focus was how to gain more ground and influence within in APEC’s SCSC. Looking to find opportunities to strengthen cooperation between SRBs. Could note planning to meet with people such as Adrian O’Connell, enhancing closer relationships etc) APEC SCSC and SRB Forum – February 2014, Ningbo, China – Mr Zhang was able to attend on APMP’s behalf and will present the relevant outcomes a bit later in the meeting. Unfortunately no EC members were available to attend the SCSC II meetings in Beijing in August 2014. APEC SCSC and SRB Forum meetings in Philippines in 2015 – SRBs are looking at holding an open session during their meetings to allow for other SCSC members to participate and be made more aware of SRB Activities and how the SRBs can offer expertise and support to SCSC projects.

14 Engagement with Stakeholders
APLAC-PAC 2014 – Guadalajara, Mexico, June 2014 Dr Seungnam Park attended and presented APMP updates APMP expert attended APLAC Workshop on Medical Laboratory Accreditation (3-5 September) APLAC requested developed APMP NMIs support PT from Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB) Dr Seungnam Park attended the joint APLAC GA and PAC Plenary in Mexico, June (21-27) PNAS????? Pakistan National Accreditation Council ? Dr Sook-Kyung Kim from KRISS attended the APLAC Workshop on Medical Laboratory Accreditation with the support of the APMP EC. KRISS has responded to APLAC’s request for support from APMP developed NMIs with PT – PNAS – with the cooperation of KOLAS Dr Park also responded to some questions on APMP membership processes as the member from Bhutan was interested.

15 Engagement with Stakeholders
Upcoming stakeholder meetings for 2014: SIM GA, Bogota, Colombia, 3-4 November 2014 APLMF, Wellington, NZ, 9-12 November 2014

16 32nd JCRB meeting, March 26-27 Questionnaires - how and why users access KCDB CIPM MRA review will be topic of a meeting of NMI Directors in Focus on what works well, and what needs to be changed. Benefits and successes of MRA compiled and transmitted to BIPM Developing closer ties with GULFMET AFRIMETS to develop the 2015 World Metrology Day poster Two JCRB meetings to be scheduled annually, with one to take place Only one JCRB meeting this year – also CGPM taking place in November Outcomes to note: Action 32/2: BIPM to collate the comments related to problems with, or desired changes to, the CIPM MRA review from the CCs strategy documents, in order to provide useful input to the JCRB and the NMI Directors Workshop on the CIPM MRA review. Action 32/3: BIPM to consider launching two (or one combined) questionnaire(s) related to the KCDB using the “pop-in” software addressing: “Why users are accessing the KCDB?” and “How easy (or not) it was to find the information?” Action 32/5 and 32/6: asking for RMO inputs – benefits and successes of CIPM MRA - goal to combine all inputs into single presentation to be made at CGPM. Action 32/6 - contributing to CIPM Review by highlighting successes and challenges of CIPM MRA and suggest practical improvements where necessary. (Note APMP Secretariat collected responses week before APMP midyear meetings) APMP members have not objected to GULFMET representatives attending GA 2014 Changes to the form “Nomination of a Designated Institute” - future starting date of participation in the CIPM MRA considered date on which the BIPM receives the designation form

17 TC Initiative Projects
2 TCI Proposals submitted for 2015: TCAUV: Workshop on acoustics and ultrasound metrology for health and medical related application TCM: Technical consulting for building up hydrostatic weighing system Secretary sent out call for TCI reports in April this year due to the GA 2014 been scheduled earlier than usual. There has been a lower response rate than usual as a number of TCs are already involved in the MEDEA project. TCAUV Proposal: The health and medical metrology is strongly related to our daily life and is now becoming more and more important. This TCI project aims at sharing technical know-how and valuable experiences in this field and providing some technical guidance and training courses to participants from regional economy members. Furthermore, on-site technical visit and lab hands-on training are also included. TCM: MASM, Mongolia proposes to establish a hydrostatic weighing system in 2015 and is asking that technical experts from from more advanced NMIs provide support to MASM. It is proposed that TCI funding be used for this purpose.

18 Asia Pacific Metrology Programme
Thank you

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