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Nintex 2013 and DocuSign Workflow

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1 Nintex 2013 and DocuSign Workflow
Lou Farho, SharePoint Architect Alexander Open Systems Mark Cameron, SharePoint Consultant Alexander Open Systems


3 About Me Lou Farho SharePoint Architect
25+ years in IT 10+ years working with Portals 10+ years working with SharePoint Wrote my first program in FORTRAN using a card punch machine Bachelors in Physics (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Master in “Computer Science” (University of Nebraska-Omaha)

4 About Me Mark Cameron SharePoint Consultant
20 years in IT 10+ years working with SharePoint First internship was using COBOL Microsoft Alumnus [SharePoint & SQL Server Teams]

5 AOS SharePoint Portal Practice
Microsoft Gold Partner Cloud Platform Cloud Productivity Collaboration and Content Communications Data Center Messaging Top Talent 1 Microsoft SharePoint VTSPs 10 Architects and Developers Average of 10 years of SharePoint Experience Over 75 migrations from SharePoint to Several from 2013 to with several more scheduled Customers Win 99.68% of customer respondents would refer AOS to their peers!

6 Agenda Overview Nintex DocuSign Actions DocuSign Sandbox
Workflow Design Gaps Custom Development Summary

7 Overview Client wanted to be able to process buy/sell transactions and track executive approvals to meet regulatory requirements. Existing trade platform could not provide the workflow processing needed. Secure eSignatures Ease of traceability Flexible approval routing

8 Nintex DocuSign Actions
Nintex Workflow Live Catalog 2013 provides the following actions built by DocuSign DocuSign Download Document DocuSign populate template DocuSign retrieve envelope status DocuSign send document DocuSign send envelope

9 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign download document Provides the ability to download a document from an envelope in DocuSign Limited to only the document signed

10 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign populate template Provides the ability to populate fields with values of a template stored DocuSign This will generate an envelope id Therefore, you can call this to setup or start the process

11 Nintex DocuSign Actions
The Field names and the Field values are how you populate the document template stored in DocuSign. The field variables are Nintex Collections a.k.a. Arrays. We had a SharePoint List Form that was populated with the required data. We used a Nintex Form as the front end. The workflow pulled the field values for the current item into the Nintex Collection

12 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign retrieve envelope status

13 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign retrieve envelope status Retrieves the status of the envelope This will be the overall status SLA only allows to poll every 15 minutes There will be the individual status of the recipients of the envelope which is not included

14 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign retrieve envelope status Envelope Status Codes Default status code "In Process“ When running the workflow, the envelope will have this default status We will loop to see when it changes Completed The envelope has been completed. Declined The envelope has been declined for signing by a recipient. Voided The envelope has been voided by the sender

15 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign send envelope This action allows us to send an envelope that was created earlier in the workflow process

16 Nintex DocuSign Actions
DocuSign send document Used to send an existing document from SharePoint We did not use this action

17 Nintex Connection Manager
The connection manager allows one to store your connection information for three different services DocuSign Dynamics CRM Salesforce

18 Nintex Connection Manager
Note: You can only Create or Delete a connection! You cannot modify/update a connection

19 DocuSign Sandbox art.html Follow directions to create your developer sandbox Required before getting your solution to run in their production environment Integrator Key Used in the URI for the REST APIs Account Id

20 DocuSign Sandbox
Sandbox login page For the REST API, Used Chrome and ARC Advanced Rest Client REST API to get Account Id Account Id in Demo

21 Workflow Design Collect Data from Form Populate DocuSign Template
Build collections for values and fields Populate DocuSign Template Save Envelope Id to current item Update Recipients via REST API Send Envelope Polling Status Loop Get Recipient Status via REST API

22 Workflow Design Update Status Download Combined Document
Custom Action to download generated document from template and attachments Update meta data for document Copy meta data from current item Update list item with link Add link to downloaded document to the current item

23 DocuSign Workflow DocuSign’s built in workflow assists by managing the hand off from approver to approver. We leverage this by making the principle user’s account the initiator. This will allow that user to get real-time updates from DocuSign. The Nintex workflow was handicapped by the polling interval limit of 15 minutes. The initiator is notified when An approver opens their notification The approver signs or declines The process has been completed This provides the initiator with a more up to date status of the approval process.

24 Gaps To complete the solution there were a few gaps that needed to be filled in. Manage Recipients Recipient Status Download combined document

25 Gaps Manage Recipients
The form allows for the initiator to select the approvers/recipients We used the REST API to update the recipients for the envelope

26 Gaps Recipient Status The list item has tracking to collect which recipients have process the envelope We used the REST API to update the recipients status for the envelope

27 Gaps Download Combined Document
Our process has the first recipient attach additional information regarding the transaction The OOTB download action will not include the attachment(s) Custom development was needed to be able to process the download and store the combined document

28 Custom Action Construction
SharePoint Solution Components Feature Layouts Mapping NWA File ASPX configuration page JavaScript Execute override C# code DocuSign classes Instantiate classes The SharePoint solution will contain the feature, NWA file [custom action config], mapping to the Layouts folder, code for the Execute override, and the reference to the DocuSign project that have the DocuSign classes to instantiate.

29 Solution Packaging Packaging Publish
Verify references are correctly added Publish Can Build/Rebuild first Produces a WSP for deployment BUILD/REBUILD The Build Solution is an optional step. I do this to determine if there are any reference errors. PACKAGING Check all DLLs are referenced and added to the package as those may not be on the target farm. PUBLISH Publish locally then can copy WSP to APP Server in SP Farm

30 Deployment and Configuration
WSP Deployment Farm Level Deployment PowerShell Central Administration Farm Solutions Action Central Administration Configuration Web App Feature Activation Farm Level Deployment I use Admnistrative PowerShell Prompt Add-SPSolution –LiteralPath “C:\Path\name.wsp” Once deployed, go into Nintex Custom Actions area to configure, activate on web app, and make *available* to workflows

31 Custom Action Use Deployed Action [WF Designer]
Configure Action [WF Designer] Troubleshooting Areas of interest To use the action, simply drag-n-drop the action then click down arrow to configure properties. Troubleshooting: If the “Label” section of the ribbon is grayed out, there is a problem with the aspx page scripting that has failed.

32 Summary Using the DocuSign Actions in conjunction with their REST API, one create a versatile workflow. In our case, we needed the extra functionality of the custom action to download all the documents associated with the envelope.

33 Resources DocuSign Quick Start
art.html DocuSign eSignature REST API Nintex DocuSign On-Prem Example blog/blog/2014/10/09/nintex-connector-for-docusign Nintex DocuSign O365 Example

34 Thank you SPSKC15 sponsors!

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