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Please follow these steps: Identify the point of discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Please follow these steps: Identify the point of discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please follow these steps: Identify the point of discussion.
How to think, pair, share... Please follow these steps: Identify the point of discussion. Allow yourself think time/wait time to think individually for a minute, or two. After, face a partner and share your ideas. Then, contribute to the larger group or the whole class and record your ideas.

2 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share How is plot structured in Cisneros’ multiple vignettes?

3 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share How does the setting influence the characters and action in THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET?

4 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share How do literary elements convey theme in THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET?

5 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share How do characters evolve throughout novella, THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET? ?

6 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things? Explain.

7 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extroverted (focused on other people and the outer world)?

8 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed??

9 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share Imagine you have arrived in a country where they don't speak your language. You have no money or friends there. What would you do for accommodation?

10 Grade 10 Think, Pair, Share What is the significance of belonging to one who leads an immigrant’s life?

11 Think, Pair, Share What are some ways you prefer to express yourself? Consider the ways below: Math/Logical Naturalistic Linguistic Musical Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Visual/Spatial

12 Think, Pair, Share How would you like to be assessed and graded on your English Proficiency skills? Explain.

13 Think, Pair, Share Act III Viewing
In Act III, it becomes clear that Macbeth will do whatever is necessary to keep his power as king. How do his actions begin to take a heavy toll on him? How does his relationship with his wife beings to shift? 

14 Think, Pair, Share Is it really possible to expect the unexpected? Why, or why not? What can we do to prepare for expecting the unexpected?

15 Think, Pair, Share Is Lady Macbeth more responsible than Macbeth for the murder of King Duncan? Is Lady Macbeth a more evil character than her husband and, if so, why?

16 Think, Pair, Share What themes are addressed in the questions about the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Another words, what does it mean to be a woman? A man?

17 In ACT V Lady Macbeth has clearly gone mad
In ACT V Lady Macbeth has clearly gone mad. Like her husband, she cannot find any rest. Her psychological disorder which causes her, as she sleepwalks, to recall fragments of the events of the murders of Duncan, and Banquo. How does Lady Macduff, incriminate her and her husband as her words are overheard by the Doctor and a gentlewoman?

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