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PSA’s main priorities for 2008
PSA’s main priorities for 2008
PSA’s role The PSA is an independent body charged with implementing political decisions and priorities as regards health, safety and environment in the petroleum activities. On behalf of the Norwegian society, the PSA shall follow up to ensure that the parties work determinedly to meet the Storting’s ambition that Norwegian petroleum activities should be world leaders as regards HSE. The PSA carries out its role by: Setting a framework in line with political decisions and new knowledge Enforcing the regulations in accordance with their intention Monitoring developments in the industry and in the companies Safeguarding its coordination responsibility for following up HSE in close cooperation with other HSE authorities Contribute towards improvement through developing knowledge, learning and sharing lessons learned Facilitating active tripartite cooperation Meeting the Ministry’s needs for advice and studies The PSA carries out its role by not: Interpreting political signals or applying personal viewpoints as a basis for its work Exercising its authority to make decisions based on case processes that cannot be documented Assuming the players’ responsibility for selecting solutions and measures Taking on tasks that should naturally be handled by the industry Requesting or receiving any documentation other than that which is necessary for case processing, follow-up or monitoring
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment These will influence further planning for 2008 – but we must also allocate resources to other assignments … MO Kriteriene som ligger til grunn for våre Hovedprioriteringer: Dette er ”det viktigste av det viktige” Dette vil vi påvirke fremover – her skal Ptil gjøre en forskjell! Skal gi mening og retning til ambisjonen om å bli verdensledende Tydelig forankret i føringer fra AID samt Ptils erfaringer Dekker områdene tilsyn, fag og ramme, og skal ligge til grunn for videre prioriterings- og planleggingsarbeid Ressurser skal styres mot disse områdene Andre prioriterte områder vi også må planlegge for Andre saker i tildelingsbrev/HMS-melding – og bestillinger fra AID ila året Konkrete og kritiske utfordringer Innenfor fagområder (industriperspektivet) I forhold til enkeltaktører Interne forhold Videre fremover i planleggingen: vi må utfordre oss selv når det gjelder å begrunne våre aktiviteter for 2008 i forhold til måloppnåelse hver prioritering og hver aktivitet skal virkelig bidra. alle som planlegger aktiviteter skal ta mål av seg til å planlegge et mindre timetall enn et samlet årsverk tilsier – for å gi rom for uforutsette saker som dukker opp Også viktig at når planene er lagt har alle i utgangspunktet respekt for disse - slik at våre prioriterte oppgaver blir gjennomført
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment MO Kriteriene som ligger til grunn for våre Hovedprioriteringer: Dette er ”det viktigste av det viktige” Dette vil vi påvirke fremover – her skal Ptil gjøre en forskjell! Skal gi mening og retning til ambisjonen om å bli verdensledende Tydelig forankret i føringer fra AID samt Ptils erfaringer Dekker områdene tilsyn, fag og ramme, og skal ligge til grunn for videre prioriterings- og planleggingsarbeid Ressurser skal styres mot disse områdene Andre prioriterte områder vi også må planlegge for Andre saker i tildelingsbrev/HMS-melding – og bestillinger fra AID ila året Konkrete og kritiske utfordringer Innenfor fagområder (industriperspektivet) I forhold til enkeltaktører Interne forhold Videre fremover i planleggingen: vi må utfordre oss selv når det gjelder å begrunne våre aktiviteter for 2008 i forhold til måloppnåelse hver prioritering og hver aktivitet skal virkelig bidra. alle som planlegger aktiviteter skal ta mål av seg til å planlegge et mindre timetall enn et samlet årsverk tilsier – for å gi rom for uforutsette saker som dukker opp Også viktig at når planene er lagt har alle i utgangspunktet respekt for disse - slik at våre prioriterte oppgaver blir gjennomført
MP1 – Technical and operational integrity / when extending life spans Goals for MP1 The PSA will encourage the players to accept responsibility so that a good level of safety is maintained on aging facilities and in land-based plants, and so that processes for continuous improvement are taken into account when extending production life. The PSA will develop a high level of expertise on aging and the extension of production life, so that it can assess the operator’s decision-making processes in this area and contribute to resource-efficient consideration of consent applications for extending production life.
MP1 – Technical and operational integrity 2/3 when extending life spans
Reasons for selecting MP1 as a main priority Highly relevant issue for the next few years because of a growing number of facilities approaching the end of their design life still very commercially attractive for players and the community field developments and life spans based originally on very different commercial assumptions, oil prices, and knowledge of reservoir management changes to design assumptions could be needed for continued operation tie-in of satellite fields What is needed in order to document technical and operational integrity when extending life spans, remains unclear
MP1 – Technical and operational integrity 3/3 when extending life spans
Relevant activities for MP1 Project team Follow up OLF’s work on preparing good standards and guidelines for extended life span Execute the necessary projects to enhance expertise Develop in-house guidelines for considering consent applications Assess the need to develop the rules and regulations Assess inter-government collaboration internationally Audits, technical areas and frameworks Consideration of consent applications Supervisory assignments which enhance expertise, either at the PSA or in the industry, on aging and extended life span Supervisory activities which enhance awareness among players and ensure that they become better at taking responsibility for aging and extended life span Possible projects under the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion (AID)
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment
MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing 1/3 major accident risk
Goals for MP2 The PSA will help to ensure that player managements work to reduce the risk of major accidents Weight will be given to ensuring that managements establish and develop goals and goal parameters follow up results in relation to these goals secure sufficient capacity and expertise use information to take initiatives which encourage relevant learning and development in the planning and execution of activities evaluate how far goals are achieved and the impact of the measures adopted
MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing 2/3 major accident risk
Reasons for selecting MP2 as a main priority Management decisions and initiatives define frameworks which are significant to reducing major accident risk Theory and experience from audits etc. – including investigations – confirm the importance of focusing attention on management’s role in reducing major accident risk Continuous improvement is required to fulfil the Storting’s goal of being a world leader in the HSE area
MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing 3/3 major accident risk
Relevant activities for MP2 In-house Develop expertise through activities and special measures Assess requirements for developing regulations External Audit the see-to-it duty and premise-setting roles of the licensees PSA’s prioritised production licences (active follow-up) Supervise StatoilHydro merger Audit small operators and shipping companies (understanding of risk in relation to activity) Audit the companies’ own internal supervision/audits, learning from incidents, management of expertise and so forth
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment
MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) 1/3
Goals for MP3 The PSA will help to reduce risk when adopting IO by Following up the significance of ICT developments for HSE, including establishing an industry-specific picture of critical factors affecting ICT safety developing a clear understanding of roles among the players concerned and government agencies act as a challenger with respect to relations between ICT safety and HSE risk Be a prime mover for ensuring that IO helps to improve HSE, including establishment of ambitions and specific measures for using IO in further development of HSE management ensuring that change processes relating to IO are well implemented ensuring that the industry establishes HSE as a driving force for developing new IO solutions, particularly in safety-criticial work processes/systems
MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) 2/3
Reasons for selecting MP3 as a main priority Adopting IO calls for the development of the human-technological-organisational (MTO) aspects of work processes, which increases complexity. This may substantially enhance risk, but can also yield new and significant opportunities for developing IO in a positive HSE perspective Adopting IO substantially increases risk associated with simultaneous production and change IO offers a substantial potential for improving HSE management processes. See White Paper No. 12 on being a pioneering industry IO related to remote operation of staffed offshore facilities presents a major challenge to the industry
MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) 3/3
Relevant activities for MP3 The goals will be reached through a strategic linking of technical projects, supervisory activities, framewroks and advice in the following action areas: Coordinate follow-up of ICT safety, including development of ICT safety strategy and implementation of measures Various measures which highlight connections between IO and major accident risk, and between IO and HSE management Hold a PSA conference on IO and HSE Coordinate follow-up of HSE-critical IO projects in the industry, including IO implementation in StatoilHydro Participate in important developmental, strategic and advisory arenas, and in relevant R&D activities
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment
MP4 – Groups exposed to risk 1/3
MP4 – Groups exposed to risk /3 Goals for MP4 The PSA will contribute to reducing the risk of injury and ill health for groups particularly exposed to risk by Helping to develop a holistic picture of the risk for injury and ill health, in such a way that this knowledge can be devoted actively to a risk-based approach in which the commitment is focused on groups where the need and effect are greatest Helping to ensure that the companies establish systems and practice for identifying and following up groups Following up to ensure that the players collectively continue to develop framework conditions which help to ensure a high standard of HSE for all groups
MP4 – Groups exposed to risk 2/3
Reasons for selecting MP4 as a main priority Experience from audits, company reporting and R&D activities indicates that the risk of injury and ill health is higher for certain groups, and that framework conditions influence risk Continuous improvement is needed to achieve the Storting’s goal of being a world leader in the HSE area The intention of the Work Environment Act to secure a collective approach, and the regulatory requirement to assess factors individually and collectively
MP4 – Groups exposed to risk 3/3
Relevant activities for MP4 Further development of methods and base data for expressing group-by-group risk profiles Auditing player follow-up of groups particularly exposed to risk, with special emphasis on collaboration and clarification of responsibility between operator and contractor identification and follow-up of particularly exposed groups management ability of the companies Purposeful activities to put pressure on implementing the industry’s action plan for chemicals Follow up the industry’s work on assessing the acceptability of established working time arrangements. Help to achieve a unified national approach by the authorities Implement measures to support the goals of the joint project with the Employment and Welfare Administration (NAV) Implement sanctioned activities to achieve the goals of the joint project with the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Atil) and the National Institute for Occupational Health (Stami).
PSA’s main priorities (MPs) for 2008
PSA’s management has defined five MPs for These are: MP1 – Technical and operational integrity when extending life spans MP2 – Management’s contribution to reducing major accident risk MP3 – Integrated operation (IO) MP4 – Groups exposed to risk MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment
MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment 1/4
Goals for MP5: The PSA will help to ensure that the players prevent harm to the external environment, with special emphasis on their efforts to prevent undesirable incidents which lead to acute discharges select solutions based on a holistic assessment of considerations relating to people, the external environment and material assets select solutions in an early phase and when planning modifications which support regional and national environmental goals
MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment 2/4
Reasons for selecting MP5 as a main priority Environmental challenges posed by activities in the Barents Sea Environmental challenges associated with gas-fired power stations Climate change and national mobilisation The PSA has an important regulatory role associated with the work of attaining Norway’s environmental objectives
Collection in the sea/dispergent Safe and acceptable operation
MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment 3/4 TECHN (type and scope) ACTIVITY MGMT & CONTROL Design and layout Operation Discharge Discharge starts to move Discharge meets a resource Discharge damages a resource Robust design Collection in the sea/dispergent Safe and acceptable operation Containment at source Collection/clean-up PSA’s role in PREVENTION of harm Containing a discharge at source in order to reduce the size of the discharge (well control, etc.) Key premises role for technology, operation and management ... pursuant to the Petroleum Act SFT’s role in limiting damage oil discharge emergency response permitted discharges ... pursuant to the Pollution Act
MP5 – Preventing harm to the environment 4/4
Relevant activities for MP5 In-house Raising awareness of and building expertise about PSA’s responsibility for the environment In-house seminar Promoting PSA’s contribution on its new website Trends in safety levels (RNNS) Clarifying the need for more specific and precise regulations External Industry seminar Cooperation with the SFT and other government agencies to create unified regulatory plans Cooperation with industry organisations (OLF, Norwegian Shipowners Association, Federation of Norwegian Industries) Follow-up of unified management plan for the Barents Sea Follow-up of climate White Paper
Each assignment will be formulated so that it
accords with PSA’s main priorities or other priority areas – it must be genuinely rooted in these, provides information about the players’ HSE performance (assessed in the main groups), builds preferably on earlier results, helps to “tighten the grip” on critical challenges, challenges the players themselves to ensure compliance with the regulations.
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