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This is a map of the British Isles

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Presentation on theme: "This is a map of the British Isles"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a map of the British Isles

2 We live in England – the green part.

3 The Capital of England is…

4 The English Flag looks like this.

5 The Capital of Wales is... Cardiff

6 The Welsh Flag looks like this.

7 At the top of England is Scotland – the blue part.

8 The Captial City of Scotland is….

9 The Scottish Flag looks like this.

10 Across the sea from England and Scotland, is Ireland
Across the sea from England and Scotland, is Ireland. Only a small part of Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, called Northern Ireland.

11 The Capital of Northern Ireland

12 The Irish Flag looks like this.
But the Northern Ireland flag looks like this.

13 So, these are the parts that make up the United Kingdom (UK).

14 So, these are the parts that make up the United Kingdom (UK).

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