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Riding the Wave of Innovation

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1 Riding the Wave of Innovation
User Roles/Security/Profiles and Program Inquiry Nickole Mitchell alio Administrator, Kansas City Public Schools

2 Agenda New User Creation Profiles: HR User Security Item Security
Example of Account Request Form User Maintenance Options, PW Settings, Roles Account Mask Security GO Menu/Initial Values Profiles: HR User Security Item Security Program Selection (Inquiry) Discuss with Attendees what their Role in Alio is. New Users? Admins? Users? This will guide conversation as I present the forthcoming slides.

3 New Alio User Account Request Form
New Employee is hired; Alio Access is required Supervisor fills out form and submits to Alio Admin (HelpDesk) Training is scheduled & Account is set-up Account log-in information is given at training Auditors ask for this process, like to see documentation of the process. I’d like to offer the example of how we track our requests for Alio Access. This form helps me (Alio Admin) set up the New User Accounts. Makes me understand what the user will be doing in alio before I begin setting the user account up.

4 User Account Administration
Users – AMSEC05A Based on User Roles to be assigned, make appropriate choices on Defaults/Misc screen. Will the User be a Super User? Need Security? Work in a School Site/Location? Department? Approver Role? Admin Role? Decide what fields will be needed for the user. Use the Account Request form as a guide.

5 User Administration User Password
Use district policy to guide the settings on this screen. Self-Explanatory.

6 User Administration Roles
Use drop down menus to assign designated Roles Role must be assigned to the Administrative User before it is shown in List of Values. If setting up many accounts, don’t need to build security on each. Wait until done, then let it run for all. (Make sure radio button is “Yes”) **Non-Alio Roles – need to read up on this.

7 User Administration Receipts
Add any Receipt Headers this user might need (if applicable). Self-Explanatory.

8 User Access Security Many ways to ensure the User only accesses or views appropriate data within the system. We will take a look at quite a few of them now…

9 User Account Security Masks
User Acct Sec Masks – FAUTL07A Use to assign access to specific account lines to Users within Roles. Tip: If new accounts are built during the year – Click ‘Build Account Security’ in Chart of Accts (FMACT02A) for EACH new Account – or Load Year in FAUTL07A after a group of new accounts are created. If the User Community is going to have access to use only specific account lines, you will want to assign them by Account Masks, and possibly by Roles. We have 2 primary roles for account usage. Payroll Entry users can only use Accounts matching the account mask of the Pay Lines (with the appropriate class and object). Those who have access to Process Orders have access to Expenditure Account Lines and their Assigned Budget Locations or Business Centers. Those who have been assigned certain Inquiry Only Roles, might have Wide Open Access in that Role Only.

10 Profiles Profile Keys - AMPRF01A
Defines how programs function with alio software. Infolink Resource ID: Table of Keys, Default Values, and Descriptions of all Profiles. System Profiles are set up to help make the system even more customizable and define how programs function at your site. Infolink does have a document that lists all of the Profile Keys, Default Values, and Descriptions. It is Resource ID The specific example we can look at now is the setting for HRS User Security.

11 Profile Key – HRS User Security
From Find Mode, Search for a Profile Key Then use Inq and Prg buttons for more details 2 options for HESEC_SECURITY _METHOD PROFILE KEY: USER or LOCATION There are 2 ways to group employee access to HR Data. By Location or By HR User Security using Security Access field on Employee Master. When the Profile Key is Set to USER, it will use the Mask set in Security Access on Employee Master Screen.

12 HRS User Security by Mask
HRS User Security - HESEC02A HRS Security is set by Profile Key to USER Security Masks are assigned to User ID’s and used in Security Access field on Employee Master to group Employee’s for access in HR screens. Employee – Janie Smith has been assigned Security Access Mask 1220 – so she will be able to see Employee, T Wilson. If the Profile Key was set to Location, it would look at T Wilsons Locations and What Locations that Janie Smith was allowed to see.

13 Go Menu – List Master List Master - AMBTN01A
List Master only creates the drop down list on the Employee Master menu. Does not activate the “Sequential GO Menu”. Use Security Buttons to modify Security Options. Another way to ensure Users stay on task and are efficient with duties is to create their GO MENU. Start with the List Master.

14 List Master – Role Security
Example of how Role Security can be set from List Master Security is handy here – at least review the security when you get the chance.

15 Go Menu – Initial Values
List Group Initial Values - AMLIV01A Builds the Users sequence of screens for the Go Menu. Tip: End with the 1st screen, so the menu is complete. Helpful for Data Entry Roles Initial Values is the program that will allow the GO button to automatically take the User to the next screen on their menu. This is especially Helpful for Data Entry Technicians. Plan the order of their screens with them before creating this list – they may have different needs or ideas than you do!

16 Item Properties Form Item Properties - APITM01B
Secure, conceal, disable, require, access by field. By User, Role, or All Also, edit Prompt (text labels). Item Properties is yet another way to customize alio. Each user could essentially have a different look and feel to a particular screen, depending on their tasks. Conceal dollar figures, dates, SSNs. Disable buttons or make some fields required before moving forward – sit down and plan your business practices, functions and duties, then make alio work for you.

17 Item Properties – Form Properties View
Form Item Properties - APITM02A Displays all Item Properties Settings that have been turned on for a specific screen. Shows a summary of what has been done to a particular screen.

18 Program Selection (Inquiry)

19 Program Selection (Inquiry)
Program Selection (Inquiry) - AMINQ01A Search by Module, Type, Program Name, Keyword, State, Release Read Release Notes See if Retired *LIVE DEMO* Great for a quick search for a program name, then have to go to Program master to find it or run it, or infolink to really read about it. – Would like to do a live demo of this screen with input from the attendees. Also, can go into my demo sight for demo of any of the other screens we discussed during the session.

20 Additional Training If you are interested in other alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your alio support provider directly for cost and scheduling information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact alio support at or by direct to

21 Thank you for Attending!
Discussion Thank you for Attending!

22 Thank you for Attending!

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