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Accountability Update
October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard The purpose of California’s new accountability system is to hold both districts and schools accountable and to foster continuous improvement As such the California School Dashboard or “Dashboard” contains reports that display the performance of districts, schools, and student groups on a set of state measures to assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement Local indicators are reported at the district and county level only October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard The Dashboard will most effectively inform LCAP planning to foster continuous improvement when metrics are based on the most recent data submitted to CALPADS or that is available from other sources Therefore data submission deadlines attempt to balance the practical realities LEAs face of school calendars and availability of staff with the need for timely, quality data October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard The Performance Indicators are based on:
Status: Where a school is today based on the most recent data Change: Progress a school made from one year to the next THEREFORE, at least two years of data are always needed Both Status and Change have five levels: Status: Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low Change: Increase Significantly, Increased, Maintained, Declined, Declined Significantly Status and Change are combined to produce the Performance Category, displayed in colors and pie segments October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard The performance categories are displayed as a color and in pie segments October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard For those indicators that rely solely on CALPADS certified data, schools that do not certify (or submit) data in CALPADS are automatically assigned an Orange performance level Currently this only applies to the Suspension Indicator Eventually will apply to Chronic Absenteeism NOTE: The SBE will consider, beginning with the Fall 2018 Dashboard, automatically assigning a RED performance level if data are not certified October 17, 2017 CIM,
2017 Dashboard Data Source Year of Data Source Indicator
Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 K-8 (SBE to determine if Status or information only) Suspension Rate Suspension, Cumulative Enrollment and English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) CELDT end of year data file CALPADS ODS (cumulative count of ELs who became RFEP during school year, July 1 to June 30) CAASPP ELA Score , CELDT 2015, 2016 RFEP Data , CAASPP ELA Graduation Rate Indicator CALPADS ODS Class of 2016 rate Divided by average of rates for classes of 2013, 2014, 2015 Academic Indicator Smarter Balanced Results (3-8) CALPADS Demographics 2017 Smarter Balanced Assess. 2016 Smarter Balanced Assess. College/Career Indicator (CCI) CALPADS EOY 1 (Course, CTE) AP, IB Results Smarter Balanced Results (11) Class of 2016, Graduate Cohort (Status only) October 17, 2017 CIM,
2017 Dashboard – Tentative Schedule
Early November 2017 LEA private preview begins Rolling weekly release of indicators November 8 and 9, 2017 SBE meeting – Potential actions on Academic and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators Week of November 27, 2017 Tentative public launch of Dashboard October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic Absenteeism indicator will be based on K-8 data Since two years of data are required, the earliest that a performance level will be reported for the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator in the Dashboard is Fall of 2018 based on and data, depending on data quality The State Board of Education will decide in November 2017 whether Chronic Absenteeism data will be reported on the 2017 Dashboard as Status or Information Only Starting in Chronic Absenteeism data will be used for federal reporting October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
Reducing chronic absenteeism is a high priority in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Senate Bill 2815 (Ch 829, Statutes of 2016) which became effective January 1, 2017, specifies new and expanded responsibilities for attendance supervisors to support their role in identifying and supporting chronically absent students A letter dated January 20, 2017, regarding these changes was sent to County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators can be found here: To support this goal some CALPADS definitions and guidance are being modified with regard to when students should be exited in CALPADS October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
Change in Enrollment Exit Date Definition Definition of Enrollment Exit is being changed to support the goals of SB 2815 by specifying that habitual truants who appear to have dropped out should be exited once they have been referred to SARB October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
Enrollment Exit Date – Definitional Change Name Current Definition New Defintion Enrollment Exit Date The last date that a student attended a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student generated average daily attendance for the school for that enrollment period. If the student never generated average daily attendance at the school (a no-show), then the exit date is one day before or equal to the Enrollment Start Date. The last date that a student attended a specific enrollment period. This should be the last day that the student generated average daily attendance for the school for that enrollment period, unless the student is a habitual truant. For a habitual truant, the exit date should be the date the student was referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
Guidance for “No-Shows” SB 2815 specifies that it is the duty of the attendance supervisor to promote a culture of attendance to ensure that pupils with attendance problems are identified as early as possible To leverage CALPADS to identify such students, LEAs should identify students who were expected to return the following school year (E155’s), but who do not show up and refer those students to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) These students should be exited with a E140-Truant, No Known Enrollment October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Chronic Absenteeism
New guidance will not be immediately enforced in CALPADS A more comprehensive FLASH is forthcoming Re-evaluate when to update E155 exit to more accurately indicate exit reason - YearEndEnrlmntExitSameSchl Discussions are also occurring regarding N470 – No Show E400 – OtherOrUknown E450 – PreK-6Exit October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Suspension Rate
Suspension Rates are calculated using the following EOY 3 certified data: Count of Suspensions (unduplicated) Cumulative Enrollment The Suspension Rate Indicator on the 2017 Dashboard will be based on: EOY 3 certified suspension data EOY 3 certified suspension and cumulative enrollment data October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI)
ELPI Calculation Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at least 1 CELDT Level Plus Annual CELDT Test Takers Who Maintained Early Advanced/Advanced proficiency on CELDT English Learners Who were Reclassified in the Prior year (July 1- June 30) LTEL CELDT Test Takers Who Increased at Least 1 CELDT Level (NEW) Divided by Total number of Annual CELDT Test Takers in the current year English Learners Who were Reclassified in the prior year October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: English Learner Progress
The English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) is based on: CELDT Data from the Test Vendor The ELPI includes all annual CELDT test takers who have two years of CELDT scores CELDT scores from the current year come from the test vendor, and scores from the prior year are the scores reported by the LEA to the test vendor (on Pre-ID or answer document), and Annual CELDT scores are attributed to the school where the student took the most recent test Use DataQuest in spring to obtain list of LTEL students October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: English Learner Progress
RFEP Data from CALPADS: Count of students re-designated Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) in the prior school year from CALPADS The count of RFEP students is based on the number of students reclassified during the school year from July 1 through June 30 Therefore, these counts will be different from the RFEP counts LEAs certify as part of Fall 1, which uses a time period from fall Census Day to fall Census Day The CDE plans to change the CALPADS RFEP report to be consistent with what is used for accountability RFEP students who move from one school to the next, or one district to the next, are included in the ELPI calculation of the school or district that reclassified the student October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: English Learner Progress
Long-Term English Learners (LTEL) who increased one CELDT level LTEL are English Learners who have: Been enrolled on Census Day in grades 6-12 Been enrolled in US school for 6 or more years Remained at the same English language proficiency level for two or more consecutive years, or has regressed to a lower level as determined by CELDT Scored at the “Standard Not Met” level on the prior CAASPP-ELA (for students in grades 6-9) October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Graduation Rate
Status: 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class Change: 4-year Graduation Cohort Rate of Prior Year Class minus Three-Year Weighted Average Example: For Class of 2016 4-Year Graduation Cohort Rate for Class of 2016 minus Three-year Weighted Average for Classes of 2013, 2014, and 2015 October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Graduation Rate
To provide transparency and LEA review the CDE plans to include a 4-Year Graduation Cohort report within CALPADS Tentatively, new report will be available for cohort in spring 2018 In order to use more recent data for the calculation of both the Graduation Rate and College and Career Indicator, the CDE plans to: Enable LEAs to view the 4-year graduation cohort report in CALPADS for earlier This requires all LEAs to exit all students at the end of the school year versus waiting until October when the Fall 1 submission window opens Note: One-year graduate counts will remain in Fall 1 for now October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Graduation Rate - Changes
Federal Non-regulatory Guidance from January 2017 specifies the documentation that LEAs should have for exiting students To confirm that a student… The LEA must have written documentation such as… Has transferred to another public school in California…. Subsequent enrollment in CALPADS Has transferred to a private school from which the student is expected to receive a regular high school diploma… A request for student records from a receiving private school A written record of a response from an official in the receiving school or program acknowledging the student’s enrollment Has emigrated to another country… Written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country, such as a documented conversation by the school administrator and the student’s parent that is placed in the student’s file An official written documentation, such a request for student records, is not required Has died… A letter from a parent An obituary or death notice A death certificate is not necessary Missing guidance on Home School October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator
For students in the 4-year graduation cohort (minus students who take the California Alternate Assessment) various data sources will be used to determine the number of students who are, Prepared Approaching Prepared Not Prepared for college or career October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator
Key Non-CALPADS Data used for CCI: Passing AP and IB exams Scores on Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Key CALPADS Data used for CCI: Met UC/CSU a-g (completion indicator) Completion, with a passing grade, of academic or CTE courses that are Dual Enrollment (State Course Codes: 2190, 2290, 2490, 2690, 2890, 6090) or Identified in Course Section Instructional Level (Field 9.19) as “College Credit” (Code: 16) Completion of a CTE pathway State Seal of Biliteracy and Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, are two new completion indicators that have yet to be incorporated October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: College and Career Indicator
Multiple ways for students to meet criteria FOR EXAMPLE a graduate is considered “Prepared” if he/she meets at least 1 of the following measures: Criteria for being considered “Prepared” for College or Career A CTE Pathway completion plus one of the following: On Smarter Balanced assessment, at least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or math, and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE) B At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on both Smarter Balanced ELA & Math C Completion of two semesters/three quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic and/or CTE subjects) D Passing Score on two AP Exams or two IB Exams E Completion of courses that meet UC/CSU a-g criteria plus one of the following: CTE Pathway completion At Least a Level 3 on ELA or Math; and at least a Level 2 in the other subject One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (academic/CTE) Passing score on one AP Exam or on one IB Exam October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Academic Indicators
Academic Indicator for Grades 3 - 8 Key Data: Smarter Balanced English Language Arts and Mathematics scores Key CALPADS Data: Demographic and program data to determine student groups The rules for selection of demographic and program data may differ from the rules used to aggregate and post annual Smarter results For example, for accountability purposes, students are placed in a student group if they were socio-economically disadvantaged, English Learner, migrant, foster, homeless, student with disability at any time during the year, and not what they were at the close of the testing window October 17, 2017 CIM,
Dashboard: Student Groups
All indicators will be reported at the student group level in the November 2017 release CALPADS data is critical for identifying student groups Student groups include: Race/ethnicity Socio-economically disadvantaged English Learner Migrant Foster Homeless Special Education October 17, 2017 CIM,
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