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Human Fetal Development

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Presentation on theme: "Human Fetal Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Fetal Development
Fertilization to Birth

2 Let’s make a chart Fold your paper in half like a hot dog (long ways)
Fold your paper in half like a hamburger (short ways) Fold your paper in half like a hamburger again (short ways) Open your paper up. You should have 8 boxes.

3 Human Developmental Timeline
Each box on your paper will represent a different stage in development Title each box & copy the notes into that box No, you do not have to draw the pictures…

4 Fertilization #1 Occurs in the fallopian tube
One sperm breaks through the egg’s outer membrane Zygote

5 1st Week of Development #2 Zygote leaves fallopian tube
Morula (solid ball of cells) enters the uterus Blastocyst (day 5- hollow ball of cells) implants on the wall of the uterus Morula Blastocyst

6 Implantation #3 Happens about 9 days after fertilization
Blastocyst adheres to thick walls of uterus Begins receiving nutrients and oxygen from mother so it can grow

7 #4 Embryo 3-8 weeks Placenta develops (provides food and oxygen & removes wastes) Amniotic fluid (cushions the embryo) Umbilical cord (2 arteries and 1 vein- transfers blood from placenta to embryo/ fetus) ~5 wks

8 1st Trimester #5 Now a Fetus
All tissues, organs, and organs systems develop Highly vulnerable to outside influences (drugs & alcohol) Can move arms

9 2nd Trimester #6 Mostly growth 18-20 weeks- heartbeat
Hair forms & fetal eyes open

10 3rd Trimester #7 Rapid growth Brain & nerve cell growth
Responds to sounds

11 Birth #8 Labor Birth Placenta delivered after
Uterine contractions begin Cervix dilates to 10 cm Birth Uterus pushes baby through vaginal canal Placenta delivered after I’m free!

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