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INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data

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Presentation on theme: "INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data"— Presentation transcript:

1 INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data
Highlights of the activities Anja Hopfstock - facilitator

2 Introduction to Thematic cluster scope
Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data (92) Main stakeholders: NMCAs, Road and Water authorities (12) (16) (14) (7) Invitation sent to INSPIRE KEN (138 members) Selected experts from the Pool of experts (99) Others (1) EuroGeographics Webinar INSPIRE Thematic Clusters 6 March 2015

3 Thematic cluster/sub-group best practices
EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN NMCAs strategy to implement INSPIRE specifications Webinars on implementation issues, tools, etc. Workshops on data transformation Projects ELF Plan4business Thematic pilots JRC/TN-ITS/ELF Transportation Pilot INSPIRE Thematic Clusters 10 March 2015

4 Thematic cluster/sub-group discussions
Data model/scope Update of INSPIRE Network model Management of PID and temporal aspects Definition of HY::StandingWater HY Topological consistency S/W tools Application schemas to modelling software Download services using ArcGIS for INSPIRE Portrayal Points or Pixel? INSPIRE Thematic Clusters 10 March 2015

5 Thematic cluster/sub-group discussions
Thematic use case Application of TN to trekking trails Modelling rural paths/ways Characterization of streets / urban thoroughfares Harmonisation of Functional Road Class at EU level Link between AD and TN Natural identifiers in BU No discussion in AU, AD, BU, CP, GN INSPIRE Thematic Clusters 10 March 2015

6 Thematic cluster/sub-group proposals for gaps filling, improvements related to the technical work of MIG MIWP (working plan) MIWP-14: Update of INSPIRE Network model Linear referencing Road link positions on road sequences MIWP-4: Management of PID and temporal aspects Are3na: Application schemas to modelling software

7 Next activities INSPIRE Conference Workshop
“Supporting INSPIRE implementation: the Thematic Clusters for topographic and cadastral reference data” Audience any producer of INSPIRE themes any existing or potential user Discussion of implementation issues Management of PID and temporal aspects Extensions to INSPIRE Concept and encoding of coverages / WCS Selection of use cases EuroGeographics Webinar INSPIRE Thematic Clusters 6 March 2015

8 Questions?

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