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Report of the Health, Safety, and Wellness committee

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Presentation on theme: "Report of the Health, Safety, and Wellness committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mount St. Joseph University National College Health Assessment Results: Spring 2016
Report of the Health, Safety, and Wellness committee September 12, 2016

2 Conflict of Interest Disclosure
This research study was funded by the MSJ 5K Health and Wellness fund. BC Charles-Liscombe is the race director for the rd Annual Just for the Health of It MSJ 5k. September 23, 6:30pm

3 Instrumentation and Procedures
Administered by the American College Health Association NCHA Iic – Web based survey 66 item questionnaire Health, Health Education, and Safety Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs Sex Behavior and Contraception Weight, Nutrition, and Exercise Mental Health Physical Health Impediments to Academic Performance Demographic Characteristics IRB approval granted to survey all full-time MSJ students by Three contacts/invitations: Late February to Mid-March Before Spring Break Completion was tracked, however MSJ was not made aware of student respondents 10 randomly drawn respondents received monetary gift cards as incentive to participate.

4 Subjects: 211 respondents (17.1% response rate)
Age: Students describe themselves as: years: 54.6 % White: % years: 32.4 % Black or African American: 9.0 % years: 9.2 % Hispanic or Latino/a: % 30+ years: 3.9 % Biracial or Multiracial: % Asian or Pacific Islander: % Gender American Indian, Alaskan Native or Female: % Native Hawaiian: % Male: % Other: % Non-binary 4.8 %

5 Subjects: 211 respondents (17.1% response rate)
Student status: 1st year undergraduate: % 2nd year undergraduate: % 3rd year undergraduate: % 4th year undergraduate: % 5th year or more undergraduate: 2.4 % Graduate or professional: % Full-time student: 98.6 % Part-time student: 1.0 % Other student: 0.5 % International Student: % Students describe themselves as: Asexual: % Bisexual: % Gay: % Lesbian: % Pansexual: % Queer: % Questioning: % Same Gender Loving 0.0 % Straight/Heterosexual 83.7 % Another identity: 1.9 %

6 Subjects: 211 respondents (17.1% response rate)
Relationship status: Housing: Not in a relationship: % Campus residence hall: % In a relationship but not living together: 45.0 % Fraternity or sorority house: 0.5 % In a relationship and living together: % Other university housing: 0.0 % Parent/guardian home: % Marital status: Other off-campus housing: % Single: % Other: 7.2 % Married/Partnered: % Separated/Divorced/Other: 2.9 % Participated in college athletics: Varsity: 20.7 % Club sports: 5.3 % Intramurals: 14.5 %

7 How Healthy are the students?
83.9 (90.5% male and 82.1% female) described their health as good, very good or excellent. 66.4 % of college students (47.6% male/73.1% female) reported one or more of the following health problems within the last 12 months: Sinus infection: % Allergies: % Strep throat: % Urinary tract infection: % Back pain: % Asthma: % Ear infection: % Broken bone/Fracture/Sprain: 10.0 % 66.4% of college students (47.6 % male, 73.1% female) reported being diagnosed or treated by a professional with one or more of the above conditions within the last 12 months.

8 Proportion of college students who reported any of the following:
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) % Chronic illness (e.g., cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders) 7.2 % Psychiatric condition % Learning disability % Other disability % Deafness/Hearing loss % Speech or language disorder % Mobility/Dexterity disability % Partial sightedness/Blindness %

9 Within the last 12 months, students reported the following factors affecting their individual academic performance ( lower grade on exam, project, course; withdrawal/incomplete; disruption of independent learning or clinical/practicum). Stress: % Anxiety: % Sleep difficulties: % Work: % Depression: % Cold/Flu/Sore throat: 12.6 %

10 Additional factors affecting academic performance
Concern for a troubled friend or family member: % Learning disability: % Chronic pain: % Finances: % Allergies: % Chronic health problem or serious illness: % Other: % Eating disorder/problem: 1.9 % Death of a friend or family member: 5.8 % Assault (sexual): % Sinus infection/Ear infection/ Bronchitis/Strep throat: % Alcohol use: % Extracurricular activities: % Drug use: % Internet use/computer games: 5.3 % Sexually transmitted disease/ infection (STD/I): % ADHD: % Discrimination: % Relationship difficulties: % Roommate difficulties: 0.0 %

11 Within the last 12 months, diagnosed or treated by a professional for the following:
Percent (%) Male Female Total Anxiety Other sleep disorder Depression Anorexia Panic attacks Other addiction Insomnia Phobia ADHD Substance abuse Other MH condition Schizophrenia OCD Bipolar Disorder Bulimia Students reporting none of the above Students reporting only one of the above Students reporting both Depression and Anxiety Students reporting any two or more of the above excluding the combination of Depression and Anxiety

12 Mental Health Felt things were hopeless Felt overwhelmed by all you had to do Percent (%) M F Total Percent (%) Male Female Total No, never No, never Not last 12 months No, not last 12 months Yes, last 2 weeks Yes, last 2 weeks Yes, last 30 days Yes, last 30 days Yes, last 12 months Yes, in last 12 months Any time within Any time within the last 12 months the last 12 months

13 Stress Level Within the last 12 months, how would you rate the overall level of stress experienced: Percent (%) Male Female Total No stress Less than average stress Average stress More than average stress Tremendous stress

14 Within the last 12 months, any of the following been traumatic or very difficult to handle
Percent (%) Male Female Total Academics Finances Sleep difficulties Family problems Personal appearance Intimate relationships Students reporting none of the above Students reporting only one of the above Students reporting 2 of the above Students reporting 3 or more of the above Other social relationships Health problem of family member or partner Personal health issue Career-related issue Death of family member or friend Other

15 So What? MSJ students are not unlike other post-secondary students:
Higher incidence/increasing prevalence of mental health concerns Demonstrated by increased utilization of Student Wellness Center, Disability Services, and Learning Center

16 and Now What? Student Affairs will continue to conduct co-curricular programming Residence Hall, Campus Wellness, Student Activities, Orientation Be vigilant in recognizing students that appear to be at increased risk of being overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and physically ill. Encourage students to seek assistance, Encourage students and faculty to remember their wellness needs Sleep, nutrition, physical activity, social well-being, spirituality practice

17 Interested in more information?
BC Charles-Liscombe Department of Athletic Training X4542


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