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Developing an Exemplary Informed Consent Brochure

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Presentation on theme: "Developing an Exemplary Informed Consent Brochure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing an Exemplary Informed Consent Brochure

2 David Kaplan ACA Chief Professional Officer


4 Ethics background Member, ASCA ethics committee
Chair, IAMFC ethics committee Developed IAMFC code of ethics TFJ ethics columnist Journal articles and conference presentations Staff liaison to both the 2005 and 2014 ACA Ethics Revision Task Force.

5 Informed Consent Clients have a right to know what they are getting into before they get into it.

6 Clients have the right not to be surprised.

7 ACA Code of Ethics A.2.a Informed Consent Clients have the freedom to choose whether to enter into or remain in a counseling relationship and need adequate information about the counseling process and the counselor.

8 ACA Code of Ethics Must be done both verbally and in writing.
Is an ongoing part of the counseling process.

9 Informed Consent Brochure
Your approach to counseling Confidentiality Your background and training Appointments

10 Informed Consent Brochure
Fees and Payments Contacting you Additional points Sign off sheet

11 Informed Consent Procedures
Construct a thorough IC brochure. Have the client read your brochure prior to your first meeting. Ask for feedback.

12 Informed Consent Procedures
Review the rules about confidentiality. Have the client sign the acknowledgement sheet.

13 Informed Consent Procedures
Give the client the brochure to take home. Ask about the brochure at the beginning of the second session.

14 David Kaplan ACA Chief Professional Officer

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