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Causes of WWII.

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1 Causes of WWII

2 Background Totalitarianism – Form of government in which the government controls every aspect of life Fascism – The importance of the State (nation) overrides the importance of the individual

3 2 Fascist Leaders Benito “Il Duce” Mussolini of Italy
Angry about WWI peace settlement Organized fascist groups Used thugs called “blackshirts” to terrorize opposition Suspended elections and established a Dictatorship Adolf “Der Fuhrer” Hitler of Germany Angry about WWI peace settlement Joined Nazi Party Sentenced to 5 years for trying to overthrow government Wrote “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) while in prison Outlined Nazi philosophy Defined Germany’s problems Detailed plans for the nation Blamed Jews for problems and loss of WWI Promised to rebuild German empire and stabilize Germany Gained power and became head of German state

4 Expansion Hitler wanted to expand Germany’s borders to include Germans living in other nations Marched into the Rhineland Annexed Austria Demanded Sudetenland (East Czechoslovakia) European response Britain and France (Allies) met with Germany and Italy (Axis), September 1938 Britain and France chose “Appeasement” – Give into demands to keep peace

5 Hitler moves again Took the rest of Czechoslovakia
Warned by Britain and France not to invade Poland Hitler invaded Poland, September 1, 1939… Europe went to war

6 The Lightning War Poland Other Lands
Germany used a “Blitzkrieg” (Lightning War) to take Poland in 1 month Germany gave East Poland to Russia per an earlier deal Other Lands April 1940 – Hitler took Denmark and Norway May, 1940 – Hitler took Belgium and the Netherlands June 14th, 1940 – Hitler marched on Paris… Paris fell in 3 days

7 Britain Japan Hitler turned on the only power left…. Britain
Sent German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Battle of Britain 1000 planes a day bombed Britain Lasted from December, 1940 to June, 1941 Japan Followed the same steps as the Axis powers in China Joined the Axis powers in April 1941

8 American Response Americans did not want to fight in Europe or Asia
Isolationism led to Neutrality Acts (mid 1930’s) No weapons or loans to nations at war Non-military goods (food and medicine) must be paid for in cash and transported by that nation = “Cash and Carry” 1939 – FDR moved a built-up Pacific fleet to Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) 1939 – Neutrality Acts changed to include weapons in “Cash and Carry” U.S. slowly helped FDR “traded” old destroyers for naval rights Wanted to “loan” war supplies to Allies “Lend Lease” Act Passed by Congress in March 1941 Allowed FDR to help nations vital to U.S. security

9 The U.S. and Japan The U.S. and Japanese ties became strained
The U.S. demanded that Japan stop taking Asian lands… put economic pressure on Japan Japan decided their goals in Asia could not be achieved as long as the U.S. had a powerful fleet in the Pacific

10 Dec. 7th, 1941…”A day that will live in infamy”
180 Japanese “Zeroes” attacked just after 7:00 am “Kamikaze” suicide pilots crashed into ships 18 Ships sunk or heavily damaged 300 planes destroyed 2400 Americans killed 1200 Americans wounded FDR went to Congress…. America went to War!


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