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1. Between Thebes and Cairo (Pyramids of Giza)

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1 1. Between Thebes and Cairo (Pyramids of Giza)
1.Between Thebes and Cairo (Pyramids of Giza). There is no historical reason for it to be there. 2.She thought they would be worth some money. 3.They were asking a pharaoh for help. (Akhenaten) 4.Amenhotep III. See Extra Notes. 5.Poetry, reading, music, religious studies. 6.Through offerings from pharaohs. High Priest of Amon. 7.Aton 8.See Extra Notes. 9.Nefertiti 10.Beautiful. Fat, misshapen, big hips, short stubby legs, long face 11.To get away from the priesthood of Amon, To find a new city miles down stream to the present day city of Amarna. He believed he had found the birthplace of the Aton, his father. 12.Akhetaten. City of the Horizon 13.Open air temples, Karnak was dark and gloomy. Worshipped only 1 god, while Thebes was polytheistic.

2 14.Akhenaten. He who is useful to the sun disc.
15.See Extra Notes. 16.See Extra Notes. 17.No. His city and his god. 18.3 19.See Extra Notes 20.He was seen as weak and frail. Did not look very strong. 21.Because to worshipped only 1 god, the Aton. 22.The Hittites began eating away at Egypt’s northern provinces. The army and tax collectors were without leadership. 23.No. We found tiny Amon statues. 24.They were attacked by the Hittites. (Amarna tablets)

3 26.She either died, disguised herself as pharaoh, or was banished from the court 27.We don’t know. No. No.

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