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NCAA 2014 Camp Teaching Points Revised June 1, 2014

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1 NCAA 2014 Camp Teaching Points Revised June 1, 2014
WCBO Mechanics Committee Patty Broderick, Ed Meier, Violet Palmer, Charlene Curtis, Diane Plas, Tommy Salerno, Connie Hurlbutt, Debbie Williamson,

2 Competition Committee
WCBO Competition Committee Image of Game Managing Physicality Mechanics Committee

3 Signals End of period No shot/Unsuccessful basket: end of period signal only Successful basket: count goal (2/3 pt goal) signal only Block/Charge All officials show foul signal (fist up) for all fouls Double whistles- all officials show foul signal first, hold fist, eye contact, communicate

4 Signals Out of Bounds- point DIRECTION first
Three-point- arm to ceiling, entire hand, finger together, palm facing head Hold- forearm but do not extend forearm No ‘one-minute’ signal at the end of the first half. This signal only used at the end of the game

5 Free throw coverage 14-15 season

6 Court Coverage- free throw
Lead: all spaces opposite him/her Center: all spaces opposite him/her plus shooter Trail: everyone outside three-point line; adjust to back court when needed

7 Court Coverage- drives to basket
Center to Lead- Center has first whistle Trail to Lead into Lead’s primary- Lead has first whistle Down the middle of lane and below the free throw line- Lead has first whistle on block/charge; everyone else hold fist on double whistle

8 Court Coverage- general
Front court- Lead Stay wide on ball side (strongside) Do not rotate on drives or shots Referee competitive match ups as you rotate Front court Player with ball curls toward you- You take it Transition Center takes middle third of players

9 Court Coverage- general
Foul/violation clearly occurs in someone’s primary primary official should have the only whistle When the primary official does not have a whistle on a foul/violation that is obvious, then another official should make the call when it occurs

10 Procedure- Throw-in Administering official- stand, holding the ball, at the spot where a throw-in will occur Official’s huddle must take place at the throw-in spot with at least one official facing the benches Resumption of Play Procedure is to be used at all times except to start the second half or any extra period

11 Resumption of Play Procedure
When either team is not ready to play when the second horn sounds to end a timeout Resumption-of-Play warning issued to that team This warning is recorded in the scorebook for the first offense The warning issued as follows: Administering official verbalizes that a ROP warning is being issued to a specific team. Closest official informs the head coach and the official scorer that a warning has been issued.

12 Resumption of Play Procedure
Moving slowly or not at all (after the warning)- Administering official shall (slowly/deliberately): Make good eye contact with your partners give a long, sharp blast of the whistle to indicate play is about to begin verbally indicate the color of the team awarded the ball signal the direction of the team awarded the ball put the ball at the disposal of the thrower (put the ball on the floor if the offensive team is delaying or give the ball to the thrower if the defense is delaying).

13 Misc. Mechanics Teaching Points
Call obvious fouls/violations in your primary. Primary whistle is first Reporting/calling official do not turn back on players after making call Provide all information to partners prior to granting a timeout or substitutions

14 Post Player Any offensive/defensive player in the lane area
with/without the ball with her back to the basket 3

15 Post play fouls Arm-bar is extended and displaces or hinders freedom of movement. Displacement occurs from a locked and/or extended elbow. A leg or knee is used in the rear of an opponent to hold or displace.

16 Post play fouls An offensive post player “backs-down” and displaces the defender once that defender has established a legal guarding position. The offensive post player holds, hooks or displaces the leg or body of the defender.

17 Post play fouls Any opponent is displaced from a legally established or obtained position Freedom of movement is hindered when contact with extended arms occurs

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