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The President Chapter 8,9,&17.

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1 The President Chapter 8,9,&17

2 Presidential Curiosities- 20 YEAR Curse Cycle
Since 1840 every 20 years a Presidential election has produced a President who either died in office or was shot. 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 This trend stopped in Tell who and what happened.

3 The 50 Year Scandal Cycle 1870 who? 1920 who? 1970 who?

4 Compare Lincoln and Kennedy’s Assassinations

5 Presidential Amendments
22nd Limited the President to 2 terms or 10 years. How can this happen? What Pres. Was this a reaction to? 25th-1967-Esablished the order of succession. V-P, Speaker, President Pro Temp. Section 2 deal with vacancy in the Vice Presidency, the President picks and his choice must be confirmed by a majority of Congress. When in history did the Pres. And V-P receive no votes? If President can’t perform his duties the V-P acts as the President.

6 Presidential Amendments
12th-1804-Separation of President and V-P on a ballot. This happened because of political parties. Electors are to cast separate ballots for each office. 20th-1933-Moved Presidential inauguration from March 4th to January 20th. 23rd-1961-Gave District of Columbia three electoral votes. Still have no Congressional Representation in D.C.

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