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Cycle of Continuous Improvement for 2009-2010
The Cycle of Continuous Improvement is a frame that helps us to guide the work that we do, in all aspects of public education, and especially in the classroom. So we’ll follow it as we go through the year, using various tools to review our work and make improvements where needed. INSERT SCHOOL HERE Module 2 1 1
Fresno Unified School District 2008-2013
FUSD Goals All students will excel in reading, writing and math All students will engage in arts, activities, and athletics All students will demonstrate the character and competencies for workplace success All students will stay in school on target to graduate Annual Targets Cycle of Review District Improvement Action Plan Student Success Operational Excellence High Performing Workforce Effective Leadership Community Engagement Built on the foundation of the School Board’s Core Beliefs and Commitments, the District Goals focus increasing opportunities for students. Many of our actions and initiatives are outlined in the District Improvement Action Plan. And in the middle, Annual Targets and Cycles of Review are 2 of the new tools to help us work our way around the cycle of continuous improvement. Board Core Beliefs and Commitments FUSD : Setting the Stage 2 2
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Planning for Action Cycle of Continuous Improvement Implementation Strategies Reflection We already have some familiarity with the cycle… This year, we will be intentional about using as our frame. The work of teaching and learning often focus on the Planning, Implementing and Assessing elements of the cycle. But we need to continually recognize that improvement can occur only when we are able to analyze and reflect on our work. And our planning for this year needs to begin with some analysis and reflection on our work and results from last year. Analysis Assessment
Cycle of Continuous Improvement: School, Grade/Course and Classroom
School Level Reflection Analysis Planning for Action Assessment Implementation Strategies Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student For our school, the cycle is something we engage in at three levels, school-wide, Grade/Course, and Classroom. A solid school-wide view of our work will depend on the depth and quality of our work in grade level collaborations. And those grade level collaborations are dependent on our work reviewing and reflecting at the classroom level.
Cycle of Continuous Improvement Skillful Leader/Teacher
Our Work in 5 Cycle of Continuous Improvement Skillful Leader/Teacher Academic Support Social Emotional Support The Cycle of Continuous improvement is one of 4 areas that we will focus on for the year. Remembering the Academic and Social-emotional sides of the triangle (which we will look at a little later), the Cycle, along with the Skillful Leader/Teacher, influence both our work to promote achievement and school culture. FUSD : Setting the Stage 5 5
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Cycle of Review SPSA Tool Data Dashboard So what will we be our tools and process for engaging the cycle in ? Three things-- #1, a process that we will engage in periodically, called the Cycle of Review… #2 A tool to interpret our progress in academic and school culture areas, called the data dashboard… #3 As we work to make the analysis and review portions of the cycle come alive, the SPSA tool, which will help us with guiding questions as data is available to review our work. FUSD : Setting the Stage
Outcomes Participants will become oriented to the frame of the Cycle of Continuous Improvement for guiding our work in , including the Cycle of Review, the Data Dashboard, and the SPSA Tool and its Guiding Questions. Participants will analyze and reflect on the implementation of major actions in Participants will analyze and reflect on the CST results. Participants will review the school data dashboard and Targets for Any site specific outcomes added. So our outcomes for this module today are to …read the outcomes. Add the other outcomes your site may have included. 11/19/2018
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Cycle of Review SPSA Tool Data Dashboard Let’s look more specifically at the process of the Cycle of Review…. It’s an event that we will facilitate periodically with our staff. FUSD : Setting the Stage
Cycle of Review: The Process
Conduct analysis of implementation of our work Review our School Dashboard Conduct analysis of our student outcomes Reflection on gaps and strengths Planning adjustments Input our findings into the SPSA tool Times and Areas to Review: CST, GLAS 1, 2 and 3, CELDT, School Culture (CAHSEE for HS) We’ve been meeting at different times through the year to review our data for awhile. The Cycle of Review is really the same thing, but we will be analyzing according to a more uniform template in across the District. What steps are in the Cycle of Review? We’ll start with a look at our annual data dashboard (we’ll talk more about what that looks like in a few minutes. We will analyze the level of implementation of our major activities and Action Plan items We’ll analyze the student outcomes that we expected to impact, reflect on Gaps and Strengths, and make planning adjustments. Finally, the results of our work will be inputted into the SPSA tool. The analyses here will incorporate Guiding Questions that we have adapted slightly from last year’s CCI tool. We’ll pass out the Guiding Questions in a few minutes.
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Cycle of Review SPSA Tool Data Dashboard Now let’s talk about the Data Dashboard– this also will be a tool that we will review at each of our Cycles of Review through the year. FUSD : Setting the Stage
What’s a Data Dashboard??
Dashboards come in many forms– here’s one that comes from the business world. Dashboards help you get an overview of what your status is, “at a glance.” FUSD : Setting the Stage 11/19/2018
FUSD Data Dashboard Here’s an example of the 1st page of the FUSD District Dashboard. This has been in use for close to 2 years now.
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success CST ELA - Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 3rd Grade CST ELA- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 5th Grade CST ELA- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced CST Math - Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 3rd Grade CST Math- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 5th Grade CST Math- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced All Grades CST Math - Percent of students that gain a performance level All Grades CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level All Grades CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level Here’s what the elementary dashboard looks like– this is a template without any numbers filled in.
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Far Below Basic that gain a level 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Far Below Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level Redesignation Rate Percentage of English Learners will advance at least 1 CELDT Level Number of students participating arts, activities, and athletics (Need to define) Percentage of Days Attended Page 2
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success Percentage of students that respond most / all of the time to "Do you feel like you are part of this school?" Percentage of students that respond most /all of the time to "Do the teachers and other grown-ups at school care about you?" Total number of suspension incidents August per hundred students Total number of Expulsion incidents Percentage of parents that respond agree /strongly agree to "This school provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn" Community Engagement Percentage of parents who respond agree /strongly agree to "I feel respected and welcomed at my child's school" Percentage of parents who respond agree or strongly agree to "My complaints are dealt with fairly and openly at this school." Percentage of parents who respond agree or strongly agree to "When I have a concern I know whom to contact" Page 3: After we go through the next portion of our day, we’ll come back and re-visit the school dashboard, and look at our school’s numbers
Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Cycle of Review SPSA Tool Data Dashboard The SPSA tool is an online system that we’ll use this year to complete our SPSA as we go. We’ll use feedback from our Cycles of Review to input into our school’s SPSA. Today, we’ll start with a look at our implementation and our CST results from last year. FUSD : Setting the Stage
Classroom Guiding Questions (CST)
School Level Reflection Analysis Planning for Action Assessment Implementation Strategies Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student Classroom Guiding Questions (CST) Analysis of Implementation of Major Achievement Actions in 08-09 Analysis of CST Results in 08-09 Connecting Implementation Analysis with Student Outcome Analysis Conclusions Impacting Planning for Here’s a snapshot of the pages in the Classroom Guiding Question that we’ll be using … on 3 pages, the guide covers 4 areas. There is a separate handout to review. Let’s go over the handout together.
Individual Activity Use the Classroom Guiding Questions to complete your analysis of implementation (page 1)in Have staff members go through page 1 (they don’t need their CST data yet), to reflect on their implementation of the major actions for the school, in ELA and then again in math.
Grade/Course Level Guiding Questions
School Level Reflection Analysis Planning for Action Assessment Implementation Strategies Grade Level or Course Classroom & Grade/Course Level Guiding Questions Group Review of Classroom Analysis of Implementation Look for Trends Group review of Grade/ Course Level CST Results Adjustments to the Plan for The grade level collaboration Guiding questions also have 3 pages– this is just a sample.
Grade/Course Level Activity
In your group, share your Classroom Guiding Questions on implementation in What trends emerge for the group as strengths or areas for improvement? Complete the Grade Level Implementation Analysis After groups have had a chance to discuss by grade/course level, you can choose to have a staff “report out” of their findings. You will need to at least collect their Grade /course level write-ups, so that the leadership team can consolidate findings into the SPSA tool.
CST Results Analysis: Review School Data
School Level Reflection Analysis Planning for Action Assessment Implementation Strategies Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student Insert your school’s data from the REA Proficiency Reports (pages 1, 4, 5, 8 and 9 found in AiS- Static Reports). It’s okay to put this on 5 slides! Review the school’s overall findings with your staff. Overall, how is the school performing in mathematics? What changes do you observe in the % of students at each performance level? How are specific sub-groups performing? How are specific grade/course levels performing? Which grade levels/sub-groups showed the largest gaps to proficiency? Which gaps are declining?
CST Results Analysis: Review School Data
School Level Reflection Analysis Planning for Action Assessment Implementation Strategies Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student Insert the CST performance level Change Chart from AiS Static Reports. Review your school’s change overall, and for each 2008 performance level. Overall, how did the performance levels of your students change from one year to the next in Mathematics? How did particular performance levels increase or decrease?
Individual Activity Use the Classroom Guiding Questions to complete your analysis of CST Results in Use the Classroom Guiding Questions to complete your lessons learned for planning Now that we’ve reviewed our implementation of major actions in , let’s look at our results. Pass out individual results, or have staff pull their results up on AiS (may be slow if lots of schools are conducting this at the same time) First let’s complete the individual and Grade/Course level review of CST data from the Guiding Questions (pages 2 and 3), This would be a good place to insert any additional findings regarding targeted populations that you would like to focus the teachers on (e.g., English Learners at levels 4 and 5 did not improve in the overall analysis of CST ELA). Then we’ll get back together in our grade level groups to share our findings and complete the Grade/Course Level Guiding Questions (pages 2 and 3) Reminder: Grade 1 teachers can review GLAS 3 data; Kindergarten teachers can review KAIG data, although the KAIG data is not very easily summarizable yet.
Grade/Course Level Activity
In your group, share your analysis of CST Results in What trends emerge for the group as strengths or areas for improvement? Complete the Grade Level CST Results Analysis As a group, complete the lessons learned for planning section
Lucky Leading Losing Learning
The Leadership and Learning Matrix Lucky Good results with no understanding of the reasons. Replication of success not probable. Leading Good results with clear understanding of the reasons. Replication quite probable. Losing Poor results, with no understanding of the reasons. Learning Poor results with clear understanding of the reasons. Replication of mistakes not probable. Organizational Results Ask the staff after the Classroom and Grade Level analyses are complete, “Where would you say we are on this matrix with…. BBF, MLD, ELA Mini-lessons, use of instructional coaching, ELD strategies, etc….” Level of Implementation
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success CST ELA - Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 3rd Grade CST ELA- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 5th Grade CST ELA- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced CST Math - Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 3rd Grade CST Math- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced 5th Grade CST Math- Percent scoring Proficient or Advanced All Grades CST Math - Percent of students that gain a performance level All Grades CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level All Grades CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level Replace with completed school slides or use handout of Excel template. Review actual dashboard data, now inputted in to the school dashboard.
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Far Below Basic that gain a level 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level 3rd Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Far Below Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Below Basic that gain a level 5th Grade CST Math - Percent scoring Basic that gain a level Redesignation Rate Percentage of English Learners will advance at least 1 CELDT Level Number of students participating arts, activities, and athletics (Need to define) Percentage of Days Attended Replace with completed school slides or use handout of Excel template.
Elementary School Data Dashboard Elements
Focus Area Measure of Success 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Final 09-10 Target Status Student Success Percentage of students that respond most / all of the time to "Do you feel like you are part of this school?" Percentage of students that respond most /all of the time to "Do the teachers and other grown-ups at school care about you?" Total number of suspension incidents August per hundred students Total number of Expulsion incidents Percentage of parents that respond agree /strongly agree to "This school provides a safe and secure environment for students to learn" Community Engagement Percentage of parents who respond agree /strongly agree to "I feel respected and welcomed at my child's school" Percentage of parents who respond agree or strongly agree to "My complaints are dealt with fairly and openly at this school." Percentage of parents who respond agree or strongly agree to "When I have a concern I know whom to contact" Replace with completed school slides or use handout of Excel template.
Outcomes Participants will become oriented to the frame of the Cycle of Continuous Improvement for guiding our work in , including the Cycle of Review, the Data Dashboard, and the SPSA Tool and its Guiding Questions. Participants will analyze and reflect on the implementation of major actions in Participants will analyze and reflect on the CST results. Participants will review the school data dashboard and Targets for Any site specific outcomes added. So let’s revisit our outcomes– did we meet our objectives? An activity teachers can engage with to continue the planning process will be to look at the scores of their classrooms incoming students. This can occur in another setting. 11/19/2018
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