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Inventor, Industrialist, or BUST?

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Presentation on theme: "Inventor, Industrialist, or BUST?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventor, Industrialist, or BUST?
Can you join the ranks of the Captains of Industry and Inventors of the Modern World???


3 Become an Entrepreneur
Company Name Company Logo Company Slogan Product or Invention Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration Philanthropy

4 What is a logo? A symbol that reminds consumers of your product
Example: How important is a logo???

5 Name the following companies.





10 What is a slogan? Short memorable sayings that remind the consumer of your product Example: ALWAYS LOW PRICES Why is a good slogan important?

11 Name the company… Have it your way You’re in good hands with …
Every kiss begins with K… Just Do It. Eat Fresh. Sometimes you have to live mas… …. I’m lovin’ it… Save Money. Live Better.

12 On a sheet of paper… Create a company name, slogan, & logo On the back of that sheet… diagram (draw & describe) the product your company will make this can be a new invention OR something already around that you think you can create & sell better than other companies

13 Horizontal & Vertical Integration
Horizontal – expanding into similar products How did Rockefeller do this? How did Starbucks do this? Vertical – expanding into areas dealing w/ production of your product How did Wal-mart do this?

14 On a sheet of paper, tell/show me how your company would expand both horizontally & vertically…

15 Philanthropy (Charity Work)
YOU ARE RICH!!! Once you have made your millions – tell me (on a sheet of paper) How will you become a philanthropist? Who are you being philanthropic towards? Why, as a philanthropist, did you pick this company and/or charity?

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